It’s 8 years old but remains comfy. It’s by Hypnos and was very expensive when first bought. I think they retail at over £1000 to £1500 it’s superking and comes apart down the middle for transport. One side is ‘firm’ the other side ‘extra firm’ free to a good home but would like rid of it asap as it’s taking up a load of space … collection from DN6 PM me if you would like it cheers
I might have it for my ex wife, she can take it with her when she goes out for a drink,,,,in case she bumps into somebody she knows!
Someone tries to be nice and they just get the piss taken out of em. Mite have been better not to offer though....
Haha don’t worry mate I have broad shoulders! I fully expect some piss taking I thought someone might benefit but no worries if not, I’ll just get the council to collect.
I have always thought though that being a mattress tester for Slumberland must have been one of the best jobs ever..