I have just met this massive Watford fan in Innsbruck. He is cycling from Norway to Malta ,to raise money for Alzhimer charity as his Grandad as just been diagnosed. He is the most raggy down to earth lad you could meet ,who goes to the pub,no professional cyclist in the slightest. He is a self employed plasterer and when I checked his fund giving I couldn't find much media attention from anywhere. When I questioned him about this morning ,he said I'm not very good with tech stuff. Is there anyone else like whitey or anyone with tech savvy could get this viral please across the footy world. He was riding over the Alps today . I take my hat off to him ,and said I would try to help https://www.justgiving.com/fundrais...utm_source=whatsapp&utm_campaign=pfp-whatsapp Thanks for any help in a charity ride for a good cause.
Thanks mate ,I'm trying to get it out into the Media ,I'm hoping Whitey could offer me some help with this cause.
Absolutely great that you put from the Barnsley lads, I filled up when I read that. I told him I would get the Bruce Dyer brigade to support him. X
Thanks to those that have already contributed to a great cause. Does anyone know if whitey still works in media ,I think he was very involved at BFC. I am trying to share this story with other footy teams to raise awareness, however I'm a bit rubbish with IT.
Dan just text me and said ,could I thank the Barnsley FC community for their support, it means a lot and kicks him on to the next leg. He is so appreciated for the support so far from the bbs . Thanks on his behalf.