Who thinks, in the morning when you wake up it's gonna be like when you wanted a bike, and end up with a bike, an atari and a colour telly with remote control
I'll recount one Christmas. And I know my dad will read this but my folks definitely duped me one year. I wanted an Amiga 500. But at the time my folks were still struggling to get back on their feet from the after effects of the miners strike. It took them a while, but I still never went without. Anyways, this particular Christmas, my cousin was going to university. So it was agreed that I could "borrow" his, and so when Xmas came, I knew I kind of had one. But not my own. (Paul/Ian, I know you read the site, it was our John's lol) Fast forward to Xmas, and I'd forgot about that deal, and got downstairs and couldn't see a large box. It was the only Xmas I genuinely thought I didn't get what I wanted. I was absolutely distraught, but didn't show it. And sat on the settee. Not making any moves to go and start opening presents. I guess my mum sensed it. And she moved some of the presents to reveal a massive box. (The buggers had hidden it under all the others), and at that point I knew they had done me. Played me brilliantly. But I got it. It was brand new. Not the "borrowed" one promised by my cousin. And it was mine. The bar stewards I'm still mentally scarred by that moment, but at the same time, know that my folks did and will still do anything for me. Anyways, just thought I'd share that.
Love Christmas Eve i do... tree glistening away; food prepped for the next day, Bing Crosby in the background as i sip away. Always have, and always will, adore it. If only it snowed like it does on the films lol