Following the declaration of war with Germany on 3rd September 1939, the Football League was abandoned after three games. Players’ contracts were cancelled. And the Sheffield Evening Telegraph reported that on this day Barnsley FC players received their last payment of wages. Great article here on 'Professional Football in Barnsley between 1939 and 1963: Essential Work, the Front Line and National Service' if you're interested:
Angus Seed was awarded the Military Medal in WW1 fighting with the 17th Battalion Middlesex Regiment.
Thanks for that. Outside of the football network. I remember mi mam or mi dad telling me, mi dad and his mate tried to enlist but were refused. He and his mate lied about their ages. He was born in july 1924. But even so he was working down the pit. So may have been seen as vital in that area. Sad/selfish to say on my part. But true to say I and my siblings may not have been born if he had joined the conflict.
I hadn't realised the essential work bit but it makes absolute sense. Not selfish at all bud imo - more a statement of fact. Btw, I didn't know that Johnny Kelly lost his thumb and two fingers on his right hand in an industrial accident.