Absolutely tore a stip off us at their place last season. Surprised he didn't start. Thought Thomas was bang average at best. Even fell over hissen, bless.
I must admit when I saw him with all that space I thought ‘goal’. Not an easy finish but with his quality you expect him score. How did he have so much space though at that stage of the game?? Our wingbacks are fun to watch but their positional sense is non existent and needs serious work.
Daft bat. Lol. Both did/have played for QPR though. Up there as probably best goal I've ever seen from an opponent. Front row view. Our lot stood up as one and applauded. More like a Scissors kick btw.
It was all a bit surreal wasn’t it. I lived down there for 15 years and visited all the London grounds many times, and I saw more trouble at QPR than any of them, including Millwall. Although the walk back to the station, surrounded by riot police, after a Tuesday night game at Millwall, was a tad disconcerting. We were sat right behind the goal when Sinclair scored and you couldn’t do anything but applaud a goal like that. Don’t remember going so far as standing up though. But then after we applauded the QPR fans overlooking us to our left applauded us and for about 30 seconds there was this sort of love-in going on between us all, but that quickly ended and we went back to hurling insults at one another. Actually, me and my mate had our girlfriends with us at that match, and as we left the ground and waded through the customary scrapping, we saw a couple of bizarre sights. Just by the pub (the Bushwacker?) there was a bloke, QPR fan, standing behind the railing on the pavement, issuing threats to a Reds fan, whilst holding his lad who can’t have been any older than 3. Anyway, he then put his kid down onto the ground, jumped over the railing and started scrapping. The lasses were shocked, but thankfully he jumped back over the railing, picked his lad up and walked away. The second incident, mere seconds later, was just as bizarre. Two fans were scrapping and two bobbies went in and, of course, grabbed the Reds fan. They dragged him away, each holding one of his arms. The QPR fan then had the opportunity to be on his way, leaving the Reds fan to face the music, but no. It seemed like slow motion. The coppers had the Reds fan about 10 yards away, just holding him still, between them, so the QPR fan marched over and punched the Reds fan straight in the face, the Reds fan being unable to defend himself, on account of having a copper holding each arm. So one of the cops just let go, grabbed the QPR fan and nicked him too. We couldn’t help feeling there was a lesson for him to learn there. Never to look a gift horse in the mouth, when the police are giving you the chance to scarper. But he was more interested in the other gift horse, that the police were making his job easier for him. Strange lot, QPR fans.
I allus look out for the guy with the sombrero lol. Tickles me he still wears one after all these years. We were in the pub. Near the tube station once, (Now home fans only) downstairs room full of tarn . Bit of a commotion. One of their lot threw a coloured smoke bomb down the stairs. Just carried on drinking lol. If I remember right even though downstairs it led to a beer garden, patio doors were open. Thankfully.