Really enjoyed this. he did one a few years ago too, inspiring stuff.
He’s an absolute legend, but seeing him in decline hurts as much as if it was any family member. One of the most gifted story tellers I’ve ever heard.
Thank you for that. He looks to be doing very well. I'd seen him on Parkinson and I'd played his records, that were my dad's, over and over, and then, October 1985, after Sunday dinner, all the family watching TV, and An Audience With Billy Connolly comes on. It's difficult to explain what that was like. I couldn't breathe. You laugh so much, you're genuinely worried about your own health. Thinking back now, looking at mum and dad... tears streaming down their face... It was unbelievable. I've still got every VHS he ever released somewhere. I got to see him at Sheffield City Hall and St George's Hall in Bradford. The St George's Hall gig was the second time I thought I was going to die laughing. People were having to leave the theatre to catch their breath. I then stopped watching him for a while. He meant so much to me that I started getting nervous about his performances, like I was his dad or summat. He has enriched my life.
It does. I find the way he’s facing his challenges really inspirational.The part where he says he got the feeling of completion of his career is also an amazing part. I’m not sure if he’s inferring that he wouldn’t have had that feeling had he not been inflicted by the disease or whether I was reading into it too much but his positivity in adversity is humbling. He’s proper fcking funny too. the sketches they show him doing about Parkinson’s disease are so just brilliant.
Got to admit Baz the preface by his mrs. Pamela Stephenson. Was hard work and I nearly gave up, as her language was way above my station. Words I couldn't spell never mind heard of lol. Thank god she didn't write the story.