Did he really turn up to play a professional football match without any spare contact lenses? I even take a spare pair with me on a night out, having twice lost one at a gig or club, both times requiring me to go home and put a new one in before continuing my evening's entertainment. The chances of losing a lens are considerably greater when participating in a contact sport than attending a rave (unless you're standing next to my friend Boz who dances like a demented gibbon, but that's another matter).
I'm still unsure if Pines couldn't play because Pines had lost his contact lens, or Pines couldn't play because of the smack in the face, but Clarke didn't know Pines couldn't play because Clarke couldn't see what sort of tacking Pines was in because Clarke had lost his contact lens.
That's probably even less of an excuse that Pines not having contacts. Imagine being a manager and not being able to see what was happening on the pitch properly...
And now we're saying he had concussion but we didn't take him through the protocol at half time and we would have sent him back out if he'd had a spare contact lens? Perhaps the 850 coaching staff didn't notice the smack in the head.
You would have thought the blood stained shirt, bandage on his head Terry Butcher style and the fast that I could hear the whack on his head from the stand about 30 years away would have clued them in a bit wouldn't you. Still the ref missed it so maybe Clarke did as well Hope he is fit for the next home game. His abscence may have cost us on Saturday as the defence was coping fine first half and their 2 goals that killed the game were from crosses we would have expected him to deal with, Not sure why Roberts couldnt cover centre defence in Pines abscence mind
This is what I find amazing about our back line. I assumed that we brought in Robert’s to provide that guidance, experience and calming influence at the back, so far it certainly hasn’t worked out that way.
in the days before auto correct helpfully changed yards to years perhaps - I should have gone with metric
As has been alluded to, the fact we would apparently have sent him back out in that state, had he got a contact lens, when he was clearly not fit to be on a football field is quite a concern. We all remember images of Terry Butcher and Paul Ince fondly of course - and I’m sure plenty have played on with much worse in years past - but there is, for good reason, protocol to follow in the modern game and despite having a full medical team on hand, it is apparent that it wasn’t followed.
Christ his eyesight must be bad if he can’t play football without contact lenses I know tennis payers wear them which I can understand.
My prescription is -3.5 which isn't massively short-sighted on the grand scale of things. Absolutely no way I could play football without lenses, nor drive a car, watch TV, or even do the shopping in the supermarket without great inconvenience to myself and other shoppers.
I must admit that these days it doesn't make a great deal of difference. I still think it's worth putting them in when I go for a drive though.
As far as his dancing goes he is! Although that's where the similarities end. Boz is a dermatologist. Not sure I'd trust Bez to successfully treat my flaky skin.