Forgot to mention how keen (and a bit bonkers) we found the stewards on Tuesday. My mate had booked a disabled parking space behind the away end, which was great as we were straight away after the game. On the way in we had to wait while the car in front opened all its doors and a sniffer dog jumped in and had a good root round, when it was our turn we got away with just opening the boot. When we got in I asked a steward for a headset for the commentary and directions to the disabled toilet but he looked a bit confused and pointed us towards the food kiosks. Thankfully, someone else came to our aid. When I was helping my mate into the disabled bog, a female steward then told us “you can’t go in there - it’s for away fans”. We told her that’s what we were, she looked a bit confused and buggered off
Stewarding was odd. I get they have to be careful but the frisking getting in was OTT and I always thought as a precaution you always get searched by someone same sex. In the ground there was a kid about 10 the other side of the netting giving it the big one nonstop in the past twenty minutes or so. Stewards allowed his behaviour to continue and then his dad instead of sorting his lad out, was even worse (terrible parenting) and the stewards didn't do a thing to de-escalate the situation.
You must have been sat near us mate. I saw the kid and his dad. When the game ended a lady and her husband were having a right go at the stewards for making our lot sit down and allowing the home fans to do what they wanted.
We got to the front of the Que outside and they did there usual pat down and search……I’d brought our flag in a drawstring bag which I assumed he’d rummage through, never even looked In it but then was checking woman’s handbags, tbf to 2 lads in the ground they were very helpful in helping us to position it somewhere
Closest I've ever been to being strip searched. . Still, if your there to do a job do it right or what's the point. Smoke flares anyone.
That kid was absolutely vile. Actually lost my rag with him and a bloke came over having a pop, I told him where to go.
The most comprehensive rub down search I have ever had entering a football stadium even checked under my cap. Most be earning extra money on the side from working at HMP Strangeways.
I've paid for massages and been rubbed down less than the search int I've had less contact when having a massage up Sheffield Rd
No from Emley farm shop but I ended up being searched twice because we couldn’t find entrance 33 which was hidden down a tunnel the second search was more thorough by a female steward who vaguely reminded me of Hilda Colonel Klinks secretary in Hogans Heroes , she had to consult with another steward as to wether the pork pies could be used as a missile .i said do I look like a bloke who would throw a pork pie or eat it , they let me through …. The b@st@ards
Joking aside, why vile. ?. One of the biggest issues I have. Is I went to the other corner looking for E33 entrance. Found it, but wasnt allowed through as they'd closed the Gates separating home from away fans. One thing I noticed lots were let through just showing home tickets. As if it is not possible for em to be carrying owt offensive. Either do it right or dont bother imo. The Manchester Arena incident highlighted those issues. And almost everyone agreed Proper searches need conducting. At such events. Example Barnsley. Only searches of home fans I've come across, are bag searches.
That wasn't me but proper laughed when he came out with that. In reply to Hooky Feller he was vile in the sense he was right up at the meshing singing any chant that had bad language in it and picking out individuals and calling them names such as Karen etc and just being really aggressive. He was about 10. Stewards just let him do it. One day he'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person, his dad won't be there and he'll get a right pasting.
That should have been the dads concern. The kid will get older, maybe not grow out of the way he is and then find himself in bother when he's older.