The size of some of the fkers charging across the floor at this time of year... You'll be pleased to hear that the main culprits, giant house spiders, are the fastest spiders in the world too.
Get one of these, £8.99 from Amazon. They also work on wasps and bees, if you're quick enough.
It's mating season. The ones moving around are the males seeking a mate. As I said though, they are harmless (thankfully in England at least). I used to be petrified of them too, but as I've got older I've reasoned with myself that they can't do anything to me and conquered that fear. I can pick them up now, but do have a catcher for when they're in an awkward place.
If I feel scared I always tell myself they must be absolutely 5h1tting bricks when they see 6' 1" me in me size 10s.