The video tonight, even on the lowest setting is stuttering badly. I just watched the Wolves game on exactly the same system and connection and it was flawless. This really needs fixing...
I should probably state it was fine for me too. Still waiting for our commentators to return mind you.
They said for years our connections at Oakwell are past their sell by date.. even when we only had commentary with Matt 1575 it used to go silent in games.. Saw a kilp last night where Stockport boss Dave Challinor.. was tapping his iPad thing like it wasn't working.. So it definitely looks like it's at our end where the problem is..
The speakers were atrocious last night in East Stand too, couldn’t hear half of what the poor stadium announcer was saying. Either that or his microphone was crap. People were commenting on him but he wasn’t only saying half of words and talking with huge pauses was here? It was obviously a technical fault. There’s been problems with iFollow for years, they need to sort it out. Speaking of, when are we getting Matt back??
I hate it when it’s not our own. I’ve been listening to Matt for over 20 odd years now and to me that’s what a Barnsley match sounds like. They tried it with Radio Sheffield for a while a few years ago and soon had to admit they’d got it wrong. Now, we’re paying to listen to the biased away commentators when it’s not at Oakwell. It’s an absolute joke. Why would I pay to listen to a free radio station in a different town/city with commentators that slag our players off and blow smoke up their own player’s arse? Ones who cheer when the opposition scores? And that’s when it actually works.