I was thinking about Davey only a few days ago. Was he that bad, or was it just his 'character' that gave him a bad rep? Kept us in the Championship all those seasons, FA cup semi obviously, signed some decent players. I don't look back on those days too harshly.
He was incredibly lucky, & it’s a shame he was in charge of a group of players that could have catapulted us to big things. That 2007/08 season was an opportunity lost imo, with the players at our disposal.
Yes, I actually agree with you here bud, felt so sorry for Noble-Lazarus, at the time I felt it was to deflect and create headlines elsewhere other than on the results and performances, still think it now
Re Davey. Very aloof when I spoke to him once. That was during an open day, Apparantly others thought the same. Gained all those coaching badges but 5 stars in arrogance.
I wish we'd got Mark Robins sooner and kept him. Massive dropped b oll ick by the club sticking him on gardening leave. As for Davey I enjoyed the ride at the time like everyone else. He was certainly better than some of the crap we've had since. Hillcroft and this bum we have now is looking like another Keith Hill or Johnson talking a good game through his posterior.
I'm 50/50 with old Davey. Brilliant scout. Some of my favourite players were brought to Oakwell on Davey's watch - Anderson, JCR, Hammill, Macken, Foster, Müller... Unfortunately he had the tactical nous of a jar of gooseberry jam. An XI of Muller, Hassell, Foster, Moore, Kozluk, Anderson, Colace, JCR, Devaney, and Howard with a goalscoring striker (Fereczi, Macken and Odejayi were more physical centre forwards than prolific) with a manager who had any inkling of game/man management would never, ever have flirted with relegation in a million years.
Still obsessed with Twitter ehh, Dreamy. Whatever happened to Rueben though ehh, he definitely had that young potential didn't he, but it just didn't work out.
Judge him by whats happened after then.. Not pulled any trees up since. He was Old Shep's boy.. pure and simple. Old Shep liked to play championship manager for real. And Ritchie wouldn't have any of it.. Ritchie went Davey came in.. Lucky to get the job especially the day after losing at home to the mob from Wadsley Bridge.. Queer old times, did we ever get to the bottom why Cryne sacked him half n hour before a match?
I seem to remember the team telling RNL to keep his shirt as a momento but Don Rowing made him pay for it. Summat like that.
His body just kept letting him down. I think he tried everything, taking low wages at Rochdale & then even had a go with a local side (I think it was Golcar) to try & get back playing but couldn’t stay fit. It was a massive shame. He was a huge talent in my opinion.
I remember his last game at home v Reading. We actually started well with a bullet header from Andy Gray and it felt like the tide could have been turning. But we were quickly 3-1 down and the place turned toxic. By the time I'd walked from the ground to the Chennels after the game, it was all over sky sports news that he'd been sacked.