With the weather (and as I’ve been suffering more than normal with my knee this last week or so, struggled to get back to the car Saturday) I’ve booked a bay in the south stand car park tonight, nightmare to get out I know but needs must. Anyway, haven’t used it for many a year - which entrance do I use for prepaid tickets? The one half way up or the one right up at the top? Ta in advance
Whichever they feel like opening on the day. It changes randomly and sometimes they scan tickets, sometimes they look at them, sometimes they don't do either.
Half way up Grove st when I used it for Mansfield. I got there early had got a space to the far right only about six cars back. I thought that would mean a fairly quick exit. Wrong!! It was well after 5.30 when I got out.
Half way up generally for pre paid tickets. I have used it a couple of times this season after getting bored of arriving too early with bored grandkids just to get somewhere to park close by. I have found it to be not as bad as I remember to get out these days. They do have a system. Best bet is to get as far down as possible and not worry whether this is the first line nearest the bottom exit, as they let out half a dozen cars at a time from each row in turn. The cars at the back of row 1 facing the exit will get out at lot later than the cars in the first 6 of row 5