Before anyone starts sharpening their knives, I do NOT believe that this was a hoax. However, for anyone that's interested, and to add a little bit of context. Weather manipulation technologies have been around for over 100 years. Cloud seeding was the first guise of this type of tech. Makes sense, bring rain to areas which would otherwise be dry, and you can farm those areas. The RAF were accused in the 1950's of causing the flood in Lynmouth which killed several people. Project Cumulus ran from the late 40's to the mid 50's iirc. They were looking into weather manipulation using a form of cloud seeding. Now, I'm not suggesting that that's what happened, but that operation is real, or was. Governments the world over will definitely be putting money into weather manipulation, when you think about it, it's essentially an "ultimate weapon". You could destroy a Country's economy without dropping nukes, but by making their arable land "un-farmable", their cities unliveable etc.
Is this the new version of not being a trump supporter but going on in various posts to defend him and insult his opponents? Get that tin foil hat on, the aliens are listening in
Why bother spending money on creating a "weather weapon" when we've already done it for the last 200 years? As with all weapons of mass destruction, the one we've developed is damaging ourselves as well as our enemies.
The ability we currently have (apart from our disastrous use of CFCs and Carbon based energy) to manipulate weather is so small in comparison to the natural global weather systems though.
There has long been talk of geo engineering and random and unnatural cloud patterns. I think most have come from US, but I vaguely recall the middle eastern oil states openly talking positively of such 'solutions'. I'm sure it's had zero impact in terms of hurricanes though. But it does suggest yet again that mankind has a particular ignorant hubris when it comes to trying to outmanoeuvre nature and its forces.
Yes, but they didn't industrialise it. Do you think if they'd know the damage it would create to the environment it would have made any difference?
Yep China came out and said publicly that they had 'enginerd' their weather so it would be sunny for their May day parade.. a year or two back .