Well Huddersfield were there for the taking and we didn’t take them. hard to find any positives there but who stood out?
Roberts for me. Gaga made some good saves but he was poor for the second goal and one or two of his punches didn’t even make the 18 yard line leading to further chances - though he was the only other player I considered. A very poor day.
Roberts. Only a 5/10 performance from him but when most of the rest struggled to get above 3 it's enough.
Needs to be Slonina. He was excellent right up until the end when that second went in. Havent seen it back so may be being a little harsh but seems he could have done better. But certainly saved us a beating, and commanded his box for 90% of the match very well, punching, claiming crosses, something we as fans have criticised him for, so credit where its due, it was a big improvement. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Gaga. Possibly at fault for the second goal, but given that we could still be playing now and not have scored I'm not sure that really matters!