Because principles are one thing but money is something entirely different. What an absolute f@nny Starmer is - the only thing deciding the investment is the amount of money the Shaik is going to make out of it, not because someone said P&O behaved like twunts other employees. Which they did and should be absolutely called out for.
Well we live in a global village now and we need to make sure our own employment conditions are sound. We need to make sure we are a country that is business friendly. What is the problem here?
Because if you don’t uphold employee rights you end up like Bangladesh? Who wants to be the sweatshop of Europe? “Come invest here because you can treat your employees like shiiite”, is not a great look.
Well we are not the sweatshop of Europe. And employee rights are to be tightened up. Although as a former employer, I'm not sure what was wrong with my employees' rights, having regard to my own utter reasonableness.
So you think it’s fine to fire all your British employees and use foreign agency workers as pay them less than half the U.K. minimum wage. Starmer behaving like a Tory and overruling genuine Labour MPd who are remembering Labour core values aid putting workers first
From what I posted, where do you get the idea that I think treating employees is in any way anything but contemptible? I ran my own firm for 25 years. I cared about every one of them. And most of them are still there. Believe it or not, we have a bloke who's been there for 70 years!! He's seen me off.
The quote Cat Stevens from the 1960s: "We've got people who've been working for 50 years No one asks for more money 'cause nobody dare Even though they're pretty low and there rent's in arrears"