No but we use Pet Repair Vets on Park Grove and they are lovely. Not for me by the way before any dog related humour starts!!!
Vet fees are abominable. They ought to be totally ashamed of making owners choose between looking after their pets or even life or death. But they assume, mostly wrongly, that owners have pet insurance, so they can charge what they like. And then even the insurance companies try to wriggle out of paying or charge excesses that are sometimes more than the vet bill. I hate and detest our rip off society especially when our beloved pets' lives are at stake.
Insurance has definitely hiked fees up. Just think what we'd be paying as humans if we had the same system fir our health care!
In the last [emoji6] days I have spent nearly £[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]] on my dog plus they wanted her in hospital for [emoji6] days at £[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]] a night paid up front she’s insured but you know what insurance companies are like the will try and wiggle out of paying if they can
A mate of mine works for a large insurance underwritter who underwrite for car, home and pet, he says vets are the biggest insurance fraud going. Costs for treatment without insurance is different to costs with insurance, practices just see it as a free hit to exaggerate costs which has pushed pet insurance through the roof. No wonder the competition and Markets Authority have launched a lengthy investigation into the way vets make pricing and customer choice available and clear.
My son has paid twice for huge lumps to be removed on the dog. Non life threatening but restricted the dogs movements in a big way. Insurance wouldn't pay out cos not cancerous. Around £1k on both occasions at the vets. Scandalous.
Bloody hell, main road up by us had a sign up saying 'cats eyes removed'. Goodness knows how much that would have been.
They need to be regulated for definite. I've forked out over 10k I reckon on my dog over the years - he's just turned 9. They know they've got you over a barrell because there's no way you're choosing not to get treatment done on your pet. It's a right racket.