If anyone wants two good sized cordylines for their garden, free of charge. All you have to do is dig them up. Sorry for the random thread
They don't transport very well once dug up. That's across from the Co-op, leave them in - l only commented when driving past the other day how good they will look when they start getting a trunk. I've a garden full of exotics.
BMBC use them like bedding plants the pillerks, every year they plant a load and then dig them up in October... They were planted all around the town end roundabout, they don't root deep so sometimes you have to stake them - those tilted so they dug them up. They really give a place a touch of class when you see them fully grown - one of the best landscaping plants.
I stuck one in front of ours a few year ago and it’s actually grown another from the original plant, not sure how it’ll pan out over time
It's the plants defence mechanism, if the original stem shows signs of dying it sprouts multi stems. On most occasions the original stem carries on growing, if the plants ever dies, cut the stem off at the base and it will regrow.