OT 10 Albums That Shaped My Life

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by kendraytyke, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. kendraytyke

    kendraytyke Well-Known Member

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    About six years ago I did a Facebook thing "10 albums in 10 days"
    I've just found it and edited it a bit so I thought I'd share it with you lot.
    This is by no means my top ten albums of all time but it might be a nice read for you.

    Cheers KT
    10 albums that shaped my musical outlook. This is going to be diverse!
    Pinky & Perkys Greatest Hits
    Let's start at the very beginning it's a very good place to start says Julie Andrews.
    Well I was about 5 or 6 and I can remember listening to this at my older cousins and then it being given to me. It's the earliest album I can remember and I've loved music ever since I wish I still had it. Don't worry it gets heavier!

    Queen News Of The World
    Nar then big jump from Pinky & Perky!
    My dad had a small record collection about 20/25 albums mostly Trojan reggae comps or those cheap K-Tel comps from the early 70s and four Queen albums, Queen, A Night At The Opera, A Day At The Races and this News Of The World.
    I'm around 7 or 8 now and and discovering how to use our old 'gram (ask ya favver)
    Everything about this is stunning. The music first two tracks We Will Rock You & We Are The Champions who doesn't know them. The proto punk of Sheer Heart Attack (written in 1974 btw..wow did Queen invent punk?) The epic nine minutes of Its Late. Not forgetting Get Down Make Love Freddie at his sleezy best.
    Then the artwork it's a freaking giant robot smashing a concert hall up and killing Queen!! Ah but it's ok it's only pretend!!
    So from this album Queen became my favourite band so thank you Trevor owd boy for having this in your collection.
    Told you it would get heavy!

    Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds
    12 years old when I first heard this one Friday afternoon in a music lesson at school.
    A watershed moment it was the first concept album I had heard of which I now own many.
    I was obsessed with this I wanted to know everything about it the rest of the class didn't give a ****. The full story affected me, what if it really happens? What if Martians really invade earth? Then the music oh my god! Jeff Wayne is a genius! He'd got me, at 12 years old he had got me. All I thought about that weekend was this. It still affects me to this day.
    I once listened to it in bed in the dark, not recommended it scared the **** out of me.

    Grease Soundtrack
    Nar gi or laughing!
    Great film, even better soundtrack.
    I was about 13/14 and this belonged to me cousin Julie. God she never stoped playing this. Only first side though cos that's side all best songs were on.
    You all know em and I bet you will be singing them when you have read this.
    Ooh ooh ooh honey!
    As light and fluffy this is things were about to get rough and heavy for your humble narrator...very heavy!

    AC/DC Back In Black
    In the summer of 1990 I fell in love. Five years before that I started seeing her on and off she was always there but I wasn't fully commited. In that glorious summer of 1990 I fell head over heels and she took over my life. When David Platt scored that last minute winner against Belgium I was hooked yes I fell in love with football and that's where my dosh went for the next few years.
    I left school and started earning my own money and got in to record collecting and this was one of the first ones I bought from Spin City in Sheffield. It was one of had my eye on bit everybody said it's good, nay great. It can't be that good can it? Well fook me sideways! It's more than great. From the opening toiling bells of Hells Bells to Rock n Roll Ain't Noise Pollution it's fooking amazing

    Brian May Another World
    1998 Queen guitarist Brian May released his second solo album. It's a good effort with some superb guests (Cozy Powell, Taylor Hawkins, Jeff Beck & Ian Hunter) but nothing earth shattering.
    It's significance to me is that without this record I wouldn't have gone to my first gig.
    Upon the albums release a tour was announced. Then tragedy struck. Cosy Powell The Brian May band drummer was killed in a car accident. Doubt was cast on the tour but the show must go on and Eric Singer stepped into Cozys huge shoes so on the 2nd of November 1998 at Sheffield City Hall I saw my very first gig.
    Words can't describe how good it was to see one of the greatest guitar players in the world just a few feet away from me.
    Life changing...

    The Who Tommy
    Now then what can I say about young Tommy? I saw the film before I heard the album one late night as a very young lad and it stayed with me for years like I've said before I get obsessed about stuff like this.
    So at about 17/18 years old I purchased this from Sin City again along with Led Zepps Physical Graffiti.
    First off it's different to the film and I think I played it over and over for two days. Each time I played it I heard something new, I still do for that matter.
    An essential addition to anyone's collection.

    Saxon Wheels Of Steel
    After a few years of unemployment in the late 90s I got a job working in a small bakery that lasted around nine months. In February 2000 I started at my present job (Yes 24 years, blimey!) I was going to record fairs with my mate Russ who had a stall so I got to know the other dealers so got good deals one of which brought this band to me. I had known of Saxon for some time as they are frum raand ere, I got Strong Arm Of The Law, The Power And The Glory, Denim & Leather and this Wheels Of Steel for a tenner!
    What a fooking album! Proper heavy rock ( I hate the term heavy metal!)
    I can only imagine what it was like in 1980 when this and then Strong Arm came out!
    Saxon are one of my favourite bands and are still going strong.

    Roger Taylor Electric Fire
    It's more the tour than the album. I saw Queen drummer Roger Medows Taylor at the Sheffield Leadmill on the 21st of March 1999 now I've got this bloke on the highest pedestal he's Roger ******* Taylor! So the gig was a huge event. The next day I started a new job and I've been working ever since. In that time I've had the most ups and downs in my life, I lost two grandparents, lived with a bird who ****** me up big style! Met, courted, got engaged and then married Michelle Wilkes and my life changed.
    So that gig I see as the turning point in my life.
    Last one tomorrow and I'm going to wind back a few years.... It's a sad one.

    Queen Innuendo

    Sometimes I get to feelin'
    I was back in the old days - long ago
    When we were kids, when we were young
    Things seemed so perfect - you know?

    I'm skipping back a few years to the 5th of February 1991 when this was released.
    The single Innuendo was released on the 14th of January 1991 and went straight in at no.1 so the album was highly anticipated.
    It's a superb album harking back to the mid 70s when Queen hit the big time. It also turned out to be the last Queen studio album released in Freddie Mercurys lifetime for just nine months later on the 24th of November he passed away and the world lost the greatest performer that had ever lived.
    I was 14 when I heard the news at around 6:30am as I got ready for my paper round. Shocked was not the word.
    At the time Queen was the only band I was into and they were no more.
    Another studio album, Made In Heaven was released in 1995 from lost vocals, "Queen" versions of Freddie solo tracks and scraps turned into full blown tracks it is a Queen album but it's not the same.
    To this day Queen are my favourite band and always will be.
    So that's it 10 albums that shaped some of my life. This is not my top ten albums...that may come later as I've enjoyed doing this.
    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
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  2. Skinner

    Skinner Well-Known Member

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    One to think about
  3. orsenkaht

    orsenkaht Well-Known Member

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    As an offshoot, amazing to see Jon Anderson turned 80 last week!
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  4. Fea

    Fearless Tyke Well-Known Member

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    Keep it quiet, but we’ve got a Pinky and Perky l.p. of Christmas songs and carols, from the 70’s
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  5. wak

    wakeyred Well-Known Member

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    Duran Duran - Arena 1984 - First real band I was into at the age of 12, started my journey into proper music, still love them, great song writing, john Taylor is a very underrated bass player.

    Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon, parents were in a record club that sent you a record every month, and I remember they got this about '85/86. I was fascinated by the cover and by the music, I used to listen to it on the proper stereo in the lounge for hours on a Sunday absolutely blew my tiny mind.

    Iron Maiden - Caught somewhere in Time - around 1986 I got this on a whim from Woolworth, never listened to them but loved the cover and I was vaguely aware of Run to the Hills. Quickly followed it with number of the beast et al, changed my musical tastes forever.

    Metallica - Ride the Lightening - got this around 1987, it was the first record that me and my mates had the listening parties to - sat drinking Thunderbird with our heads getting melted to "For whom the bell tolls" on repeat.

    Mother Love Bone - Apple - by the time the record reached these shores in 1989 lead singer Andrew Wood had already tragically died of a Heroin overdose. We used to sit and listen to this and escape our drab existences and be transported to another world. Go and listen to "Man of Golden Words" right now, go on do it.

    Pearl Jam - Ten - 1990 I always hated how popular Smells like Teen Spirit got but little did I realise how big this would become, from the death of Andrew Wood came Peal Jam's Ten, one of the most perfect debut albums ever.

    R.E.M - Automatic for the People - 1991 defined my university days, cramming for exams chilling to this (and maybe the odd "cigarette"), utterly haunting record of beauty and melancholy.

    Radiohead - OK Computer - 1997. Creep had been done to death, I loved The Bends, but this album was the closest to Pink floyd in a modern record I had ever heard - Paranoid Android still leaves me with tingles today.

    Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - No More Shall We Part - 2001 - I probably didn't hear this until about 2006, at a moment in my life where I needed it, it came into my life. Are there a more tragically, beautiful, and yet slightly threatening opening 5-6 tracks to an album? It spoke to me like an angel and a devil on my shoulders.

    Bears Den - Island - 2014 - the first time I saw the Elysium video I sat and cried, watched it again, cried again. Brought the entire family in "watch this", we all fell in love with them there and then and have seen them countless times live. Go and watch the "restricted" video on youtube if you don't know it, the one with 3.6M views.
  6. Rm1

    Rm17 red Well-Known Member

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    One album that changed my musical tastes was Violator by depeche mode . I was hooked immediately and changed the way I thought about music. I then bought all their back catalogue of albums and I've been a huge fan ever since
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  7. Mr Badger

    Mr Badger Well-Known Member

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    Can't name ten right now but one of the first of my memorable and possibly influencing records was Birthday by The Peddlers.
    Blues and a bit jazzy as well as pop music.
    This maybe led me into jazz with my first LP being Erroll Garner's Concert By The Sea.
    And on to Oscar Peterson, and away ...... !!!
  8. Baldrick

    Baldrick Well-Known Member

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    For one of my birthdays I was given a box set of 3 early ELO albums, before they became more commercialised.
    I listened to virtually nothing else for weeks.
    Some real quality tunes on these.
    On The Third Day
    Face The Music.

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  9. Gimson&theBarnsleys

    Gimson&theBarnsleys Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    News of the World was the album that put me off Queen. Queen I, Queen II and Sheer Heart attack were great; A Night at the Opera a bit meh; the rest, least said the better.
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  10. Marc

    Marc Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Great thread. Here’s my 10. There are albums I would personally rate as 'better' than some of these, but I've gone with records that made some kind of profound impact on me, at the point in time that I heard them for the first time.

    Nick Drake - Bryter Layter (posthumous), 1971
    Prince - Sign O’ The Times, 1987
    The La’s, 1989
    Happy Mondays - Pills & Thrills, 1989
    The Stone Roses, 1990
    Orbital - In Sides, 1996
    Radiohead - OK Computer, 1997
    Elliott Smith - Either/Or, 1997
    Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children, 1998
    Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There, 2022
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  11. Ses

    Sestren Well-Known Member

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    After a judicious edit, I think this is mine.

    Of Montreal - The Gay Parade
    Of Montreal - Sunlandic Twins
    Pulp - This is Hardcore
    A Silver Mt. Zion - Born into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upwards
    New Pornographers - Challengers
    Madness - Wonderful
    Libertines - Up the Bracket
    Bowie - Hunky Dory
    John Cooper Clarke - Snap, Crackle and Bop
    Mogwai - Rock Action

    Honorary mentions go to So Much for the City by the Thrills and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
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  12. cho

    chop Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    One album defined my music taste for the rest of my life, so far at least. Under a blood red sky by U2. Been a massive fan ever since. I know they are not everyone’s cup of tea but seen them live many times in the UK and Europe and it was all started by my uncle buying me that album. I am partial to a bit of pink Floyd, REM, queen and Bowie but U2 always be number 1 for me.
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  13. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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    For impact in no particular order

    loved - Happy Mondays
    Neither Washington nor Moscow- The Redskins
    All Mod Cons - The Jam
    Our Favourite Shop - The Style Council
    Folsom Prison - Johnny Cash
    Revolver - The Beatles
    Curtis - Curtis Mayfield
    Heart of the Congos - the Congos
    Stories from the city - PJ Harvey
    The Delta Sweete - Bobbie Gentry

    I’ve got others that I enjoy more but none that made the same impression on me.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
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  14. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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    I need to give Wonderful another go. I bought it after Norton Folgate which I love and maybe judged it too harshly against that.
  15. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

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    That was my first album too, my mum randomly bought it for me along with the Hits album... and i've loved them ever since. Managed to see them live in Victoria Park at Lovebox a good few years ago now and I'm not sure I've ever been as giddy!
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  16. Old

    Old Gimmer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    So many, but here goes:
    Catch Bull At Four: Car Stevens
    Hunky Dory: David Bowie
    Nod’s As Good As A Wink: Faces
    Thick As A Brick: Jethro Tull
    Baby James Harvest: Barclay James Harvest
    Revolver: The Beatles
    Mud Slide Slim: James Taylor
    Abbey Road: The Beatles
    Bridge Over Troubled Water: Simon and Garfunkel
    Band On The Run: McCartney and Wings
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  17. Rm1

    Rm17 red Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    For me my ten
    Violator - depeche mode
    Songs of faith and devotion - depeche mode
    OK computer - radiohead
    Debut - bjork
    Disintegration - the cure
    Absolution - muse
    Meds - placebo
    Alone with everybody - richard ashcroft
    Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman
    Just enough education to perform - stereophonics
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  18. Rm1

    Rm17 red Well-Known Member

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    That was pretty much the same for me with depeche modes Violator . Probably seem them 25 plus times all over Europe since buying that album
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  19. John Peachy

    John Peachy Well-Known Member

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    Some good selections TBH.

    My top 10 would change on a day to day basis.

    Top 10 today:

    The Impressions : The Young Mod's Forgotten Story
    John Coltrane : A Love Supreme
    Bob Dylan : Highway 61 Revisited
    The Clash : The Clash
    Joy Division : Unknown Pleasures
    Felt: Me & a Monkey on the Moon
    The Smiths :The Queen Is Dead
    Laurent Garnier : The Man with the Red Face
    Elliott Smith X/O
    The Flaming Lips: American Head.

    Will be totally different tomorrow.
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  20. gaz

    gaz97 Well-Known Member

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    All mod cons - The Jam
    Hysteria- Def Leppard
    Reckless- Bryan Adam’s
    Kick -Inxs
    Sgt Pepper- Beatles
    Never Mind The ******** -Sex Pistols
    Hull 4 London 0 - House Martins
    What’s the story morning glory-Oasis
    Definitely Maybe-oasis
    London Calling- Clash
    In no particular order

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