I bought my daughter 2 tickets. She decided in her wisdom to take me. Having been to the Octagon loads since 1983 it opened, I have to say that's the fullest I've known it. Liking Ska and reggae as I do, I was impressed by them Daughter reckons Dockerty is off the drugs. All in all I enjoyed the night as well JC
I saw them at there height when they were absolutely off there nuts…………I’ve been fortunate to see them 3 times over the last few years but a thought last night they were absolutely fantastic!!
Tickets go on sale this Friday 10am £45+ booking fee for standing, if you've not been to The Piece Hall before it's a decent standing view as it slops down towards the stage. Got my tickets today on the pre sale jobby. Can't wait
What was the song called? It had a bit of "swan lake" in it, around 5th/6th song in. I thought that was class