This week was particularly interesting and exciting. I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea but it's my kind of thing.
I've seen a couple of episodes but didn't really get into it. It's format which is what I call an "American Documentary" where they spend more time recapping the previous 10 minutes before the commercial break than actually showing you content. But tell me what happened!
1000 drones were sent up in 2 halves and as soon as they got airborne about half went haywire and crashed everywhere. Supposedly affected by the "thing" in the sky over the ranch. But I know exactly what you mean about American documentaries. The worst one I watch which goes on and on about what happened earlier and in previous years is Oak Island. But I keep watching hoping something will happen.
First I’ve heard about a “thing” in the sky. I thought it was something about cattle mutilations and chupacabra type beasts with glowing red eyes. I might see if there is a book…
My kind of cup of tea....and yes I did watch it...I've seen all of them. Definitely something going on.
It's a very scientific study of a strange area supposedly frequented by aliens, ufos, and various unexplained phenomena going back many years. There's YouTube vids, books, audio books, documentaries out there which do tend to focus on the sensational but this series seems to be finding more alien type occurrences. Needless to say they get thwarted at every turn. Nonetheless it's still very fascinating and very watchable.
Navajo indians, scaring locals or are the Alians doing it, i remember yrs ago they found Cows with all genitalia missing, eyes and other stuff missing and all done without spilling any blood is this the same place, it was blamed on a cult at the time.
Not watched it but seen the trailers, same old same old, just like Canadian one, cannot think of the name. summert Island.