It started last Thursday in the early hours. I woke up with what felt like an in turned eyelash. I did rub it a bit. Went to work Friday and one of my colleagues said I had a Stye. Then it was just swollen over the weekend. Didn't sleep too well because I had George. Didn't notice the bruising until yesterday morning when I got to work. So I haven't been poking it but did rub it a bit the other night. Anyway now everyone is asking where I got my lovely shiner.
Fnarr fnarr, arf arf. Oh sorry, you were being serious. It'll take me a while to get used to the new @Stephen Dawson.
So we now know that you rubbed it a little bit which caused you some swelling just think if you'd rubbed it some more it might have swelled and got hard Anyway leaving that aside how's your eye
Sometimes bruising accompanies a stye. The area around your eyes is really delicate. The swelling and discolouration will soon begin to reduce. If not, if it starts getting worse, go to the doctors as there's a chance you have an infection. But don't worry about that, the bruising is normal and when it starts going down you'll know it's fine.