Getting my yrs mixed up. Fanatics took over May 2023 Hence the debacle re arrival of 23/24 shirts. Khaled left Dec. 2023 John Flatman Joined as chief revenue officer Jan 2023 Became CEO March 2024.
Thanks I need to get my brain and eyes to sync lol Edited. Who was it who set up the Fanatics takeover ?. Then I can know who to blame. ? And when is it up for renewal. ? Because in my mind one the biggest mistakes ever. I'd like to know the profit the club make out of the contract and if it's any more or less than prior to taking over. I can only go on what I see and that's less customers visiting the store than I was used to seeing. Card only cannot help Imo. I'm not sure you can comment on such issues. But I'd be astonished if the turnover is anything like.
The customer service is a real issue for fans ( although it’s not as if they didn’t know Fanatics were crap before getting into bed with them given reviews) Card only for some fans is also a legitimate issue . How much money they make or not is nothing to do with us , you can only assume if they aren’t making money the contract would end
I’m guessing whatever fee fanatics give us probably covers what we tended to make otherwise what’s the point. Club have been very mute on the fanatics debacle yet it was them that decided to lead us in this direction.
I've got the 96/7 shirt but getting seriously tatty now, the badge and ORA logos all split and peeling off