But I was listening to the judge's summing up at this case's conclusion. This poor, little girl's suffering (the same age as our granddaughter) breaks my heart. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c4glrqkw751t
There's another one; some scumbag in Ipswich potty training a 2 year old by kicking her in the crotch when she wet herself. What on earth is up with some people.
I had to mute it, it made me feel sick just hearing the capability of human beings treatment of supposed loved ones.
Haven't read the article. Just the headlines are enough. I don't like thinking about the depths of depravity some people go to.
Was the same. And whilst I had obviously heard of the case, I'd not heard many actual details until read out as the judge was issuing his remarks. Absolutely awful what she had to endure
Seriously, I'd recommend not reading beyond the headlines in this instance. The summation is that very evil people have been given fitting sentences for the vile nature of their crimes. On another note, I'm really not sure why such sentencing is being televised.
Truly appalling case. What makes a parent do such horrible things to their child? It's really hard to make any sense of it.
Everytime these things happen we get the same old speel about it won't happen again but it does and it seems nobody learns. I've never advocated capital punishment but in some cases I find it appropriate and this case and baby P and all the other innocent children who've been taken so young would very easily change my mind. I'm sure one day their god will serve justice.
Didn't even need to open the thread to know what this was going to be about. Pure evil. What that little girl had to go through.......just no words.
Not sure how old you are BMW but capital punishment was still in law during my early years and I can remember being firmly in the abolitionist camp at the time. Now? I would bring it back tomorrow if I could. There was none of this knife carrying back then. The way I feel is that it would be a big vote winner at an election. Bring it on.
You’ll have some stupid foookers saying these bar stewards can get rehabilitation in prison, worlds gone mad
Really? You've seen Peaky Blinders? People walked the streets with razor blades concealed in their hats FFS. Violent crime has always been there and is no more prevalent now than it was when we had the death penalty. TV and now social media just makes it more visible and talked about.
Both this girl, and Baby P, were murdered by their parents. The threat of the death sentence might work on a rational human who was just planning to kill someone to spice up their Friday night. It absolutely wouldn't work on people who weren't rational in the first place. We've always had parents killing children - and likely always will. They have the death sentence in America, and they have more murders in the city of Chicago than the entire UK. The USA has more knife murders than us, per capita, and then far, far more shootings on top. And 10% of those sentenced to death in America are later found "Not Guilty". Some of them, after they've been executed. What number of innocent people are you happy to kill to have your urge for blood satisfied? Stanley knife blades with a 2p piece taped between them so the wounds couldn't be stitched properly were prevalent in the 70s and 80s - especially among the football hooligans.
Not to the degree it is now. If reports are to be believed knifes are pretty much standard issue amongst youths in London and other cities. Yes there was violent crime and violence back in those days and indeed it was the abolitionist argument that CP didn’t prevent it but there certainly wasn’t the level of knife carrying and general violence that there is today and I don’t buy the the argument that we just didn’t see it back then. Believe it or not we had radio and television back in the 60s and 70s and we also had newspapers that were for the most part actually newsworthy, it wasn’t the dark ages
Nothing we can do can help Sara now other than get Justice in her name. The sentences are too lenient, you shouldn't come out alive from prison for such evil acts. I pray there's an afterlife for her. But she could have been saved from the worthless scum who killed her. She was failed by all those who were supposed to protect her - Police - Social Services - Courts - have a read, it beggars belief. This can be changed. Starmer needs to order an inquiry with unlimited powers to bring those responsible to account and make changes to the law if necessary.