There we have it then, average water bill increase for next year, a regulator not fit for purpose, years and years of neglect in the infrastructure, mass pollution levels everywhere. Keep the shareholders happy and the bonuses rolling
Shareholders already rewarded handsomely. So will the increased income result in 'better' financial results, resulting in ...... bigger dividends?
They're basically criminals, gouging profits to pay to dividends and putting nothing back into improving the infrastructure. We're a bankrupt nation which owns virtually nothing, powerless to stop them. Sadly the country is now reaping the true "benefits" of Thatcher and Major.
Was watching Look North the other night with steam coming out of my ears as the Chief Exec was saying how she deserved her bloody enormous bonus! Like for what exactly !
An absolutely shameful day for Labour. A massive majority and a mandate to renationalise which given the financial position of the companies would be cost neutral but instead they support this.
You should hear r lass mate. She's had me in her ears for years re the fekkers. Now mine are ringing. I'm worried she's going to put her fist through the telly. I'd like to say my rantings over the last few years prove a point mate. But it doesn't give me pleasure that Joe public are having to right the wrongs of incompetence and greed. I don't think the rises will be put to good use. As I hear things are no better than when I chalked fekk on the b'stds. And if I'm right the yes men/women at the top of management don't want to rock the boat. Useless gets.
Still think there's a case for prosecution of all the top executives who coined in bonuses over the past 5 years and demand the money be repaid...I'd also demand any bonus money due this time is paid directly off the loans taken out by these people.
Nothing new - been the case since first privatised - and continued under both the Labour & Conservative watch. Been a failure from all in power.
They should prosecute some of the lower to upper management as well T. Too scared to rock the boat when challenged. All you'd get was,," pointless they'll not listen above, so wasting yer breath" I used to say "challenge the fekkers or you are part of the problem". Plenty of good people around, but problem was, they were in a small minority.
you may love paying through the nose so that private companies can siphon money to shareholders. You may love rivers full of ****. You may love the failed experiment of water privatisation that no other major country uses. you may love our essential utilities being owned by foreign countries. I’m not so keen but each to their own.
and months of labour to match it. we need an alternative party who will address the needs of the people and the nation.
You're demented if you think Reform UK are the answer, unless you mean the LibDems or Greens of course.