I am sorry but whoever has banned you for saying “idiotic”, needs to pick his dummy up and also man up, Jesus Christ that’s pathetic, probably ban me nar lol
because reform and its supporters are the ones who seemingly have all the answers and are making the most noise, you must have a plan?? Labour have set out there plans are are working towards them in the 6 months they’ve been in power.
If you get rid of the backlog of immagrants in hotels costing billions every year. control immigration and when they come here work and contribute it works. Not the open door policy and not the sit in a hotel for years funded by the tax payers.
It was politicians of this country who chose to drop bombs on various nations, to send UK troops into battles overseas over the last three decades. At a huge cost to the country. Around £40,000,000,000 the UK government spent on the war in Afghanistan. Which was launched to oust the Taliban regime. 20 years later, the Taliban regained control. Over £8,000,000,000 was spent across six years (2003-2009) in Iraq. The aim, to topple Saddam Hussein who was about to attack the West using 'weapons of mass destruction'. By 2014, Islamic State (ISIS, which replaced Al-Qaeda) occupied large parts of the country. No WMDs were ever found. Over half a million Iraqi civilians perished. Those two invasions alone, saw over 700 UK armed forces personnel lose their lives. Well over 200,000 were deployed across both conflicts. According to official MOD statistics and research by Help For Heroes, at least 15,000 suffered physical injuries and around 60,000 were suffering mental health issues post-service. That's a huge cost. And to what end? I haven't even detailed the UK's involvement in the Balkan War, its time in Libya, or the current Operation Shader (2014 onwards, in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon against ISIL). Prior to the war in Yugoslavia, the UK had generally adopted a policy of non-intervention, preferring diplomacy and negotiation over direct military action. Since then, UK foreign policy has seen a more interventionist stance in subsequent conflicts. In my opinion, this has served to exacerbate conflicts, contributing to instability and violence in the regions involved and effectively undermined the UK's reputation as a champion of international law and human rights. That all said, I cannot possibly have any issue with welcoming refugees, asylum seekers etc. Whether they're from Afghanistan, Iraq, Albania, Kosovo, wherever. They do not affect my life in the slightest. The Farage Riots across the country earlier this year were fuelled by racism. Anyone involved deserved the strongest punishment. I have little time for politicians, and I didn't vote blue or red. But I am confident that the current government will do a miles better job than the last lot, regards immigration. But, they are hamstrung by Brexit. Another decision lauded by the racist far right. I have some sympathy with those arguing the opposite to me. Education is the answer. I'll end with this, from Jeremy Corbyn 21 years ago: 'For those who say that this is a necessary and just conflict because it will bring about peace and security: September the 11th was a dreadful event. 8000 deaths in Afghanistan brought back none of those who died in the World Trade Centre. Thousands more deaths in Iraq will not make things right. It will set off a spiral of conflict, of hate, of misery, of desperation, that will fuel the wars, the conflict, the terrorism, the depression, and the misery of future generations. 'You cannot humiliate the Palestinian people in the way that they've been humiliated and not expect some problem in the future. You cannot arm regimes like Iraq, Iran, and many others, without expecting further problems in the future.'
I've never seen a rhino therefore rhinos don't exist. I've seen people rooting through bins in this country.
I think a lot of the issues are born out of fear of terrorists escaping through the net. (Even though most were born in this country) When I was a young un it was the cold war that put fear into younger generations (and older generations for that matter.) The Cuban missile crisis for example. In 1962. A very tense time. Relations with Russia and America at an all time low.
then the local Chief Commissioning officer at NHS Greater Manchester must also be spouting rubbish who also stated this. But your right the excuse for violence etc is not acceptable. My whole point was that there seems to be a divide polarising to extreme views either side and less so debating and evaluating what lies in the middle. People are either branded racist and right wing or left wing softies. I fear there is danger in this divide in itself. The world is in a difficult place right now. Palestine vs Israel, Russia vs Ukraine … will it be China vs Taiwan next? We seem pushed to choose a side. Difficult times.
Ask yourself this - who owns the hotels that the immigrants are housed in? Which party do you think they may be linked with? And why are the hotels mostly in 'red' areas?
I get the feeling your interpretation of ‘get rid of the backlog’ and ‘control immigration’ might be slightly different to mine. We don’t and never have had an open door policy. The small boats ‘issue’, and temporary housing within hotels, was not created by the current government nor has it been worsened by any of their actions. Yes they need to try to fix it - but the fact is they have not and will not be given proper opportunity to do so whilst the same voices keep shouting the odds.
He really didn’t though did he… Rob Bellingham, chief officer for commissioning at NHS Greater Manchester, said: 'We have a duty to secure the provision of safe and appropriate NHS care for people while their asylum claims are being managed. 'NHS Greater Manchester has made arrangements with a local primary care provider to ensure asylum seekers who have arrived very recently receive the immediate care they need.' They were not given private healthcare insurance. A not for profit organisation was used to assist in providing nhs care. Similar arrangements are made all the time in every primary care trust in the country and for everyone, not just migrants. We need everyone to grow up, take a holistic view and be a bit more tolerant. Unfortunately we have Nigel Farage et al whipping up fury in the uk, Trump coming back into power in the us, ridiculous despots running Russia and Israel, China too. The far right making gains through Europe - you are right, scary times beckon. I don’t know what the solution is but being a bit more moderate and calm in any given situation isn’t likely a bad idea. Starmer isn’t box office but he meets that brief.
Get rid of the backlog.. I mean clear the hotels and the billions it's costing the country. Decide genuine asylum seeker or not. I know we had the bloke in London who had appealed 3 times so based on that it could take a while. While in th e.u we had the free movement of people around Europe some may argue that was good some bad. It wasn't created by Labour but they will have to sort it or be seen to do the best they can or it will be a short spell of labour goverment.
I think the bottom line is a very percentage of the UK population don't want any immigration. This is shown in the huge votes for Reform. FPTP electoral system kept this from leading to any real influence. This boiled over with a subset of those voters who are probably hard of thinking, act like animals across the UK and committing horrible acts of violence. I see little chace of much of this changing. If I were Labour I would give up completely on these people's votes as nothing short of completely closing the borders will do. The biggest problems with our 2 main political parties is they try to appeal to everyone for obvious reasons, and then get nothing of substance done.