I’m really interested in how you did it. I’ve signed up for Dry January, but would like to go tee total if only to prove that I can. Any advice appreciated.
Happy new year to you all you crazy mad loveable bunch. 12.01am 2025 WTF are you chatting on about again blah blah You just know it will happen its the bbs that's what makes us.
I'm not sure I can offer any I'm afraid. I'm really sorry! I just knew it was something I no longer wanted to do. It was as simple as that really. I've had a year of such thinking. An epiphany here, an epiphany there. So far, it's not really been an issue. Don't get me wrong, there are triggers here and there relating to drink. Things I used to associate with it I suppose. But I know I don't want a drink, so I don't. A very unhelpful reply, I know! Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all BBSers and Reds fans everywhere. New Year new hope that we might actually win one now and again at Oakwell
I think the probability depends on whether you live on the plains of the Serengeti, or Athersley. Either way, merry New Year.
The New years eve Hogmanay night, used to be a massive part of my Christmas. Some of my late mam and dad's friends were Scotch, and they always really made a night of it on Dec 31st. Even though I was just a kid then on fruit juice lol, I absolutely loved it. And I even used to like black pudding in those days lol, before I actually found out what it was/is.
These resolutions aren't worth the paper they're written on. I always think as long as you cut down on both then its progress x