Somebody once bought some pies, then realised 3 days later they'd got the order wrong or overcharged or summert, then took offence and had a good rooer on here when they wouldn't give a refund (no receipt either).
Someone will know the exact story. But a member of this forum kicked off because he got a steak pie when he ordered a pork pie. Or summat like that. I think he enjoyed it aswell!
Percy turners son has always been part of the business and still is producing em. By the thousands. The appreciation society
We have several around us. The service in the shop you mention and the one closest to home is so bad we refuse to go there. Had one a few weeks back and we all agree they have gone downhill. Once went in and asked for a pork sandwich with everything on except Stuffing. The member of staff told me I couldn’t order like that, and i had to tell her exactly what i wanted on the sandwich. It was like being told off at school. Always have to check they have done the order correctly too.
I get the gripe, but do they have lots of sauces on it like apple, cranberry, chilli, bbq, etc…. You wouldn’t want all of them on. (I don’t know, I’ve never been). It would be a bit strange having them all on.
The butchers larder is that the one owned by the chef off the farm programme on the television programme with Helen Skelton in.
The standard Beres pork sandwich is pork, dip, apple crackle, stuffing. So it’s easy to ask for “standard without the stuffing”. Or it used to be. Problem is they have this habit of passing the sandwich down the line of staff so you have to repeat your order several times. As customer experiences go it’s not good getting scowled at by 4 miserable looking Deedars.
This thread has reminded me to get the pork pie from last Christmas out of the fridge…….see you in A&E.