I dread the thought that an undeclared aim of the Trump administration might be to undermine democratic Europe as a trading bloc. I have a fear that this may be a joint aim of both Putin in Russia and Trump in America. The EEC was set up with the aim of becoming a trading bloc to be able to rival the USA. I can expect Trump to try to weaken it by weakening his NATO commitment. I think Musk may just be a loose cannon, but one the factors which could cause insurrection and weakening of government in several European nations would be the growth of the far right and this is most effectively served by stirring up the immigration issues, which festers along and fuels the rise of the right. I see it as a possible strategy to weaken Europe, an aim with which Putin would be in agreement, for sure. I really hope we get a better deal. Musk clearly has NO idea as to UK politics. We think Farage extreme enough. As for Tommy Robinson - forget it. It might just be the bridge too far which makes people realise that Starmer is our safest bet at the moment.
It has been the undeclared aim of people close to the Trump administration for at least a decade. The Leave campaign certainly had assistance from people (financial and otherwise) that are or were close to Trump - Steve Bannon was very linked to Aaron Banks and Nigel Farage.
There is an outstanding extradition warrant for Tate for tax evasion and sex crimes. The only way he enters the UK is into police custody for questioning.
Putin has already stated his desire to create a new world order, which is BRISC - Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and China. I can't believe that the USA would sign up to this, but Trump might just be enough in Putin's pocket to do so.
It’s in his book. But most people won’t read it because he’s an evil superpower supposedly. Feel free to use google and find plenty of articles about it though!
And just read about his dad while you’re at it..fathered children to his stepdaughter whom is 40 years his junior, killed 3 men, abused his children, abused his wife and the list goes on
To be fair, he has spoke about that before. He mentioned he wants all the names linked to both Coombs (P Diddy) and Epstein released. 'He's terrified of a Trump victory,' Musk added of Hoffman, who worked for him on PayPal decades ago. 'He's certainly ideologically unaligned with Trump anyway, but I think he's actually concerned about the Epstein situation... that the DOJ might actually move forward.'
I know I can find stuff online, just thought you were referring to something specific and perhaps could then reply to a link you appear to refute with a link of your own. I don’t think he is an evil Superpower, Yet,
He's not saying he wants anything doing in relation to Epstein there though is he? He's attempting to smear someone by saying their opposition to Trump is because they're a paedo. Which is hilarious, because there's absolutely zero chance of Trump taking any action on that front as it would implicate himself.
I'd be absolutely shocked if he signed up for BRICS, mate. He'd lose his entire base virtually straight away. He can't have that, nobody will be able to feed his ego.
This is the reason Musk has aligned himself with Trump. They’ll “release” the epstein information with their names removed, then in the future if the real list is ever shown they can claim it’s political persecution. The world is truly ******
Do you not think if Trump did do something illicit, they'd have released them already? Hes already a felon and had a million charges against him. Wouldnt doing that completely ruin him? It certainly would have derailed this election and kamala would have won convincingly
It wouldn’t have made a difference. His supporters don’t give a ****. He’s already a convicted felon and been found liable to have raped someone in court and it didn’t make a difference. They’d have just claimed it was political persecution and ignored it. The thing is lots of politicians are absolutely implicated in the Epstein stuff, which is why it’s not come out. They should all be outed, the issue is they never will be. Whoever is in power at the time will remove their own names and their allies names or just hide it altogether. Trumps name is already on the leaked flight logs but his moronic supporters justify it.
Yes I agree with you mate about his hard-core supporters, but I still feel it would have switched enough votes around or stopped people voting at all, especially Latinos and women. Its incredibly scary that something as vile and important as this can be covered up the way it is. I'm not massively informed on it all regarding Epstein as it makes me squirm, but I was under the impression trump was on his plane a number of times but never went to the island. I suspect this list has god knows how many names on it from probably every relatively powerful country. Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, anyone who travelled there and participated, hope they rot in the deepest bowls of hell.
He was already found liable in court of sexually assaulting and raping a woman, is on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, is known to have regularly pushed his way into the changing rooms of teen beauty pageants. People ignored all that and voted for him anyway. It doesn’t matter what comes out about him.