Soon and I wouldn't be surprised to see assassination attempts over their racist tiktok ban. The American public are absolutely furious with those running the country and the "lawmakers" who are banning tiktok out of pure racism and an attempt to make more money for Zuckerberg who donates to the us government. Genuinely think that someone will end up dead because of it. Piss off 150 million Americans and someone is going to take their anger out with a gun.
Didnt they have a set amount of time to sell because they were under a Chinese company? Or linked with 1, something like that. Cant see anyone trying to assassinate Biden, especially since he's leaving office soon. I watched a documentary and it was concerning just how many college kids got swayed by tik tok in favour of trump via turning point usa etc, though that's not me saying it should be banned ofcourse. Kamala still won them by 6 points but I expected a much larger margin
The US is a broken state. In decline, peoples' living standards deteriorating, the 'American Dream' a hollow joke. The slogan 'Make America Great Again' has some truth in it because it implicitly recognises this decline. Arguments over tiktok, Trump, immigrants, China etc etc are all manifestations of decline. Still a world superpower and still with a massive military but we'll see more angst, soul-searching, discontent and possibly assassinations as this decline continues. IMO.
They ordered it to be sold because it's parent company is Chinese and therefore it MUST be used for spying by the Chinese government even though it's headquarters are in America and Singapore, it's CEO is Singaporean with an American wife and children and tiktok offered to create a system that locks all user data within America. The government of America is so worried about national security that both Donald trump and Kamala Harris have accounts on it... I **** you not, when questioning the CEO of tiktok the American lawmakers asked questions like "does tiktok use the home WiFi to access the internet", "are you Chinese, have you ever been Chinese, are you a member of the Chinese communist party, are you Chinese, have you applied for Chinese citizenship, are you Chinese?" (to which he replied"senator I'm Singaporean" over and over again) and the absolute classic "If I plug my earphones into my phone while they're in my ear can tiktok know what's going on in my brain?" They haven't got a clue about security at all, they don't even understand what tiktok is, they're just a bunch of racists trying to ban an app that isn't American owned and transfer the revenue from it to Zuckerbergs instagram and Facebook. The public have stuck 2 fingers up at them though and instead signed up for a different Chinese app and learnt mandarin. **** you America I can't see anyone assassinating biden but I really can see someone assassinating a senator or governor because they really are that pissed off. Americans are making tiktok videos screaming and shouting abuse and they're getting hundreds of thousands of likes within an hour. It only takes one of the 150 million oppressed Americans to do something crazy. Also it's been a big mistake by the government because now that Americans have connected with people from China they've actually realised how oppressed they are. I've seen videos from people saying that they joined red note this week and have already been asked by Chinese people "do you really have to pay for ambulances? We thought that was just propaganda to make you look bad" and "did you know that here in china the media keeps pretending that people shoot school children often. That's the kind of crazy propaganda they put out in china". The videos are saying that they've just realised things that are normal to Americans are so far fetched to Chinese people that they assumed it was just propaganda to make America look bad
I saw something about rednote, didn't have a clue what it was, from a Chinese account on twitter , though I imagine its some sort of satire ? (The link i provide, not rednote). Never used tiktok but just looked like another Vine to me... Now you mention it I remember that hearing mate, asking about being Chinese etc, I found it hilarious despite it being serious. Personally, I detest tiktok and anything of that ilk, but that goes with most social media, Instagram, twitter etc. My sisters are on it 24/7 and it is concerning from that viewpoint, but banning it on grounds they are banning it on is mental. Every single platform steals data and flogs it. I'm assuming something else will pop up in America in its place, though rednote does seem to be the go to place so far On the part about assassination, nothing surprises me in America mate. I'm still expecting something to happen at the inauguration. If and what, hopefully nothing, I really hope it doesn't turn America into an actual civil war
Me too. Hopefully nothing like that will happen because America seems on the brink at the moment. I love tiktok myself which is odd because I don't use twitter, Instagram or Facebook, never tried Snapchat or anything like that but I gave tiktok a go mainly to try to use it for work and I'm hooked. Because of the algorithms and things and how it pushes things onto you like they all do I occasionally go in waves of seeing lots of right wing things (mainly because I made the mistake of watching one for too long in disbelief or because I commented on one or something) but by tapping that you aren't interested in it you can quickly get them off and I can honestly say I only ever seen positive or happy things on there in general. My "fyp" which is the 'for you page' or to put it simply the main screen of videos that you scroll through is a pretty happy place. Just been on and quickly scrolled through 20 videos, not a single negative one at all. Wish other social media platforms made it so easy to get rid of the negativity (yes I'm aware of the irony) and evilness. That link is crazy. No idea if it's satire or not. Wouldn't be surprised either way.
One of the MAGA nut jobs has spoken to God, Trump is in no danger as he is sending 1000 special ops Angels to protect Trump, & she was deadly serious. so Trumps going to be just fine.
There’s already been a precedent with America banning Huwawei previously so I’m not sure why anybody is surprised. It’s a bit reminiscent of the ‘Red Scare’ times.
Precedent, yes, but nowhere near the same scale. Huawei never had great market share in the US. Apple dominates with more than twice the market share (and approximately 50% overall market share) of its nearest challenger Samsung. Google trails in third place with only a modest market share. Huawei never really mattered. TikTok on the other hand has somewhere in the region of 120-150 million active accounts in the US. That's over 1/3 of the population. There will be some users who have multiple accounts. There will be some accounts listed as US but are actually registered to residents of other nations. But no matter how you look at it, that's a lot of people having their freedom restricted. And Americans make a big thing about their freedom.
BT were also ordered to remove Huawei kit from all networks in the UK. It's not just an American thing.
Living as I do in Hong Kong, I'm glad that the Tik Tok ban has opened so many eyes to the rampant misinformation. The Xinjiang 'genocide'... The HK 'peaceful protests' etc etc. The use of Red Note is now viral for the #tiktokrefugees and it's showing what China is really like. Suggest you search this hashtag on YouTube. Meanwhile, if you want informed journalism, try Fridayeveryday and 'jerrry's take on China' on YouTube. There is so much more to learn beyond the BBC... (Written on my amazing Huawei phone)
lol. Nobody should be surprised if it's eventually shown the Chinese government has a backdoor into TicToc, I mean why would they be any different from the US government?
Senators have now said if tiktok users go to red note "well guess what they're gonna face the same problems there" ie if people use that app they'll ban that too Communism is alive and well in the good old u s of a
You've lost me here. How is the proposed Tik Tok ban communism? Surely if anything, it's the polar opposite?
I was thinking in the same way as north Korea but it's probably the wrong choice of word and ideology.
US is an elected corporate oligarchy. Either the NSA has serious concerns and/or US corporations don't want others having that data.
It’s all just a nonsense. It’ll be ‘banned’ for a matter of days. Apparently the law says downloads and external maintenance aren’t allowed, not that people aren’t allowed to use it and Biden has already said he wouldn’t be enforcing anything. TikTok decided to cut off all access to Americans and put out multiple pro Trump the saviour statements for when they switch access back on. It’s a scary world at the minute with the power social media has and how the big platforms are going. Musk is using Twitter to constantly post right wing rhetoric, Zuckerberg is turning off fact checking on Facebook and TikTok is posting statements simping for Trump.
Their first and second statement: Oh and the ban is already over with another opportunity to thank the person who started the whole ban thing in the first place: