I was more of a Sharapova fan myself. Not that that has anything to do with your point, since she won the career grand slam, I'm just saying. Edit: Posted before I saw @lk311's (better researched, less lecherous) post.
I actually once saw Kournikova live, at the Australian Open. I got rather drunk that day and she was playing against a player called Wang. Through the entire match it was ‘Come on Anna’ from a stadium of men. Proper embarrassing. Anyway, Wang was serving and as she threw the ball up, at the top of my voice I shout, ‘Come on Wang’. She stopped the serve and about 10,000 people were pissing themselves including the players. This was all on live TV across the world. A few minutes later I had a very stern warning from some very hefty stewards.
That's brilliant. Probably a good job you didn't know me then, otherwise I'm sure I'd have embellished you with some interesting phrases to throw in Kournikova's direction. On an aside, what's like watching tennis live? Can you actually see the ball? Ice hockey is impossible from that perspective. The puck moves so quickly that as soon as your eyes find it, it's on a completely different part of the ice.
It’s actually easier than you’d think. They don’t actually hit it as fast as you think either. The effort is all about the spin. It’s nothing like cricket as an example, the ball travels slow enough for you to watch comfortably. Serves are a bit more difficult, but I was sat on the corner so had a better perspective. Maybe from the side serves, would be a blur. But rallies would be fine.