According to this..... Humphrys and Pines we will take the option of another year. McCarthy, Benson, Cosgrove and Hayton will be let go I think.
Is McCarthy included in the 5 quality centre backs that Clarke referred to recently. Personally I'd let him go as he's a gamble we can't afford. Pines and Humphrys I'd keep but the rest would be leaving. I wish we could have had a fully fit Benson but sadly not..
Id offer McCarthy a new deal on less money for first year. Prove yourself fit and good enough to get an increase. If he doesnt accept then adios
McCarthy isn’t terminally injured, he had a freak major injury that he is subsequently recovering and returning from…..that could happen to literally anyone in the squad. Benson on the other hand, unfortunately seems like a different story
Tbf he looks incredibly shaky on the ball. Handy at set pieces and good in the air, but technically as a CB I personally think he's very average. Difference between him and Robbo is night and day IMO.
True, the question which I suppose only the club can answer is will that injury keep coming back or can McCarthy stay fit, if he can maintain his current level or beyond I agree with Tike and would offer him a one year pay as ya play contract. his recent performances have been decent but then Benson looked like the best player on the field until he broke down. It would be a punt on McCarthy, I don't think we can afford any more punts.
To be fair I don't think Roberts is very good with the ball at his feet and his passing isn't his best asset either. If we let pines go we need to bring in a similar who is strong in the air and a danger at set plays as not sure how many seasons Roberts has left.
There's no way we bring Pines in from the US, give him 18 months to acclimatise and then release him for nothing.
Ever since his first game he’s scared me to death when he’s dallying on the ball. I just think his strengths (literally) outweigh the negatives enough for us to extend his contract.