From me anyway. The performances of Ben Killip. Take a bow sir. Lots on here wrote him off before he'd even kicked a ball. He has been imho way and above anything, performance wise, Solina gave.
Only last night. ? he's been more than capable since he came in. With imo several Motm's. As for better goalie you may be hoping. He's deserved the number 1 slot. And will take some shifting. Clubs should allus be looking for better than they already have in any position. ( But money talks and may not be possible) And more priorities are warranted at the moment. Elsewhere on the pitch. We may need a back up because I'm not so sure any of the others are ready yet.
He's a brilliant shot stopper, dodgy with crosses but improved yesterday as he seemed to punch more instead of flapping. Looks like he's one of a few improving as games go on, long may it continue. Lad deserves some praise.
Not a keeper that a top 6 club would employ as a regular first choice. Good enough if our ambition is mid table L1. Has his good days and his bad days. Lacks consistency and confidence against high balls. His kicking is poor. credit where it’s due though he was excellent last night.
He’s a good shot stopper but he’s still very dithery and on crosses which leaves him out of position a lot