It's been about a week since Trump pardoned the scum from the Jan 6 riots, and there has been 2 deaths 1 in the hospital 1 on the run and 1 been locked up. Matthew Huttle who assaulted law enforcement jan6 was killed in an altercation with police. Daniel Bait who threw an explosive at police jan6 arrested on federal gun charges. Andrew Taake who attacked police with bear spray jan6 is on the run for child sex charges. And now Emily Hernandez has just killed a woman and hospitalized her husband while driving under the influence of drink
Let's be careful now, we'll be labelled as xenophobes for having very strong opinions on the sack of 5hyte.
I’ve just watched Trumps press conference, I’m genuinely speechless, I also find it amazing that there’s folk walking among who are defending him.
Sorry all. I stopped posting on here a long time ago and particularly stopped making political comment.. However, since BBC HYS are (surprisingly?... err... not!) not opening them up to all things 'Trump' I am left with little or no alternative but to post (vent) on here or else drive my wife insane. So apologies.... I have tried to ignore American politics since Trump but three action on his part make it pretty difficult. 1 Releasing criminals (Jan 6th) some dangerous with the excuse they were political prisoners. Alreay there have been negative repercussions affecting innocent victims. 2 Politicising the tragic air disaster and blaming diversity policies without a shred of evidence. 3 Worst of all, I cannot be alone in seeing a direct comparison between the 1930s rounding up of Jews in Germany (using them as scapegoats for the countries ills) and the indiscriminate rounding up of undocumented migrants currently underway. I dont recall the first arrivals...passengers on the Mayflower ...having visas and documentation when the arrived. Most of the population of America are themselves migrants from all over the World and whilst there is nothing wrong with rounding up and processing those guilty of criminality (of which being in the country undocumented is a civil issue not a criminal one) deporting people who have lived settled for years , worked hard , run businesses, had children, paid taxes etc. in short built a life, is not only illegal but stupid. The impact on the economy alone will be significant. I cannot find words suffcient to accurately describe what I think about Trump, Vance, GOP with all its sycophants and the millions of MAGAs who genuinely think he is good for America!! Apologies again for posting But at least I have been able to externalise and feel better for it!
I always used to think - how did the nazis do it? How did they get people to follow them to the extent they did, ‘normal’ German people willing to not only look the other way but actively engage in the persecution of others. surely it was an impossible task I thought - if they would just have took a step back and seen what they were actually doing they would have stopped - just how did it happen? and then I see Trump etc on the news telling blatant lies, talking quite clearly nonsense and many Americans are lapping it up? - his supporters are so behind him that he could say anything and they would just follow or defend - it’s truly bizarre. and I think I realise it only needs a tipping point of numbers to keep following and promoting - and soon the people who would object are outnumbered and outfought - so it’s important to keep pushing them back.
There was a programme on bbc2 a few years back that chronicled the rise of the Nazi's. It took a long time and a lot of actions to get to what happened that we ultimately know. There are a lot of similarities in the last five years or so, but the Trump administration has been a sizeable scary jump. It's hard to fathom in our minds the leap from 2020s America to 1930s Germany and expect anything similar, but when reason is abandoned and truth is ignored, you're in a land where anything can be justified if the power is centred with a lunatic. There have undoubtedly been behind the scenes influences that have pushed the narrative more and more to the right, and were seeing leaders across the world that you could certainly class as having fascist tendencies. It's a very worrying time.
This is the scariest thing I’ve seen: "We should not be giving Black people the same vaccine schedule that's given to Whites, because their immune system is better than ours." ---RFK Jr. Actual out right racism around healthcare. And people are defending it.
What disturbs me most it's not just about Trump. But the fact that the Repuplican party chose him to be their candidate and the millions that voted for him.
TBF (and I don't want to be because even his brain worm is odious), there may be cases where genetics mean that some people are less susceptible to disease than others but that is not necessary related to race. IIRC the gene that causes sickle cell is one that helps with resistance/immunity to malaria - so someone with sickle cell might not need a malaria vaccination. But that only applies to those with the gene, not all people of African origin (and that gene gives other medical problems).
Welcome back @Tekkytyke. And I am late to the thread but agree with everything said. To see the bloke politicking with an air disaster, always finding someone to blame, always with no evidence, while they are still looking for the bodies - turned my stomach to be honest.
Repeating his words back a̶d̶ h̶o̶m̶i̶n̶e̶m verbatim? Disgraceful bedwetting from you there JD. At least according to some on here.
I think you mean 'ab origine'. I only went to Royston Comp like, but what you've written definitely makes no sense. A bit like a Trump press conference.