Also Premier League... if you think Barnsley's defence is dodgy, that fourth Everton goal against Leicester. I don't think it is possible to defend any more comically terrible.
Preston's winner against Middlesbrough the other week takes some beating. Absolute circus, topped off by a defender seemingly pulling his socks up as the ball bounces off him. The other two goals in the game were both absolute crackers!
I hadn't seen that. It is difficult not to conclude that the defenders didn't care. Pulling up his socks when he's supposed to be desperately defending at all costs.
It baffles me how Brighton have won more than they’ve lost. Everytime I’ve watched them they’ve been poor. I watched them draw with Southampton on a Friday night a while back & they were second best. Maybe they’re just poor when they’re live on tv.
I can help with that too. They have scored more goals than their opponents on more occasions than the opponent has done the reverse. Easy this pundit business.