GK - Gauci / Smith RB - O'Keefe / Lofthouse RCB - DeGevigney / McCarthy CB - Roberts / Pines LCB - Earl / LB - Gent / Farrugia CM - Russell / Nwakali CM - Connell / Benson CM - Phillips / CF - DKD / Humphrys CF - Watters / Rodrigues This dont fill me with hope at all Not added Cotter, Jalo as they are long term Injurys
I think we will see a shift in formation to 4-2-3-1 Gk - Gauci/Smith RB - O Keefe/potential lad from Wolves RCB - De Gevigny/Pines LCB - Roberts/McCarthy LB - Earl/Gent CM - Nwakali/Connell CM - Russell/ RW - Lofthouse/Jalo CAM - Phillips/DKD LW - Humphrys/Farrugia ST - Watters/Rodrigues Yeah we need 2 more in.