This board has now hit rock bottom on the ambition scale! Simple as that! They either need to find outside investment, or try and sell up. We no longer have any hope with them in charge!
It's been a very underwhelming transfer window to say the least. But Cosgrove has been a waste of space this season, Lofthouse not good either whilst Benson, Watters and Jalo all had injuries that has limited their playing time or meant they have not played at all. Unless Rodrigues turns out to be better than he seems on papers it's been an underwhelming day in a disappointing season. There was talk of signing Jordan Rhodes who is 35 in a day or two. Perhaps his 'legs have gone' too but Mansfield don't think so.
Forward line options Jan 1st Dallas Marsh Jalo - injured Dyer Cosgrove Humphrys- wide forward DKD - CAM/NO:10 Watters Forward option Feb 4th Watters - injured Jalo - injured Rodrigues- awaiting work permit Dyer DKD - CAM/NO:10 Humphrys- wide forward Let me get this right, Darrell Clarke will only be able to bring on young Dyer on Saturday to make changes to our forward options on Saturday vs a play off rival.
Nah, he can bring Lofthouse on up front, like he has a few times this season......Wait, hang on a minute.....!
Presser for Saturdays gonna be interesting when he's asked about his improved forward options post transfer window.