that the whole objective of what is happening at the club is planned.This board cannot keep putting money into the the club and expecting to make a profit.It seems to me that they slowly want to wind the club down and go into administration then either try sell the club which I don’t think anybody would ,give it back to council who would then use it as building land.It’s just seems strange what is happening or it’s just me being daft we shall see.
I've been thinking this ever since I heard about the covenant of the 18 yard box. Conway had big plans for the land etc and took his bat and ball home when he found out about the covenant. No perspective owners can do anything with the club or the land. It's worthless unless you're a rich Barnsley fan.
It they want to wind down the club it makes no sense for them to keep putting equity in - they did that again in January. they just put the club in admin and have done. what their actual goal is Im not sure it could be to sell or they may be hoping to just get the costs down and then rebuild - we have no divine right to get out of this league. Look at how long it took the blunts last time they were down here. January is never a good time to rebuild but I had hoped we might have done better with loans
Why when I first read that did I see that there was a potential problem about a convent ? My eyes sometimes.
Admin wouldn't make any sense, they don't own any assets and the club is already insolvent, they wouldn't get back anything what they've put in, there best hope is a miracle buyer or new investors
As some others have touched on, it makes no sense to move towards administration if you're putting in millions. You're putting in millions to NOT go into administration. And if you do appoint administrators, you're done, unless you can agree a prepac to expunge debts and just phoenix. But that would make no sense as our debts are fairly modest, and i believe the football creditors rule protects/prioritises amounts owed to other clubs. I also suspect that wouldn't be likely to be approved by the football league who take control of your golden share when entering admin. I've mulled over various possibilities and I can't see further than poor decision making, incompetence and a major lack of insight from people who really don't know much about football, or not until very very recently.
I think its just incompetence and not being able to get ahead of the cluster fk that was conway's tenure, he's the one to blame when you think about it. Maybe we can do turn it around, but we might need to go lower before we can come back? If you want to see what it looks like to deliberately crash a football club, look at Doncaster Rovers in the 90's. Imagine having an owner who tried to burn down your ground?
It's not come to that yet. They're effectively burning down the playing squad but the ground is still intact....just.
The club has no collateral as I see it re the structures ground etc. The council took it on to make sure there will be a facility to still play on if all went tits up with the club. If we were taken over by new owners they would either have to take on the lease or negotiate a buy out from the council. Or if they wanted. Could take on the club and build a new stadium elsewhere. But good luck with permission on that one. Many clubs are in that position, (leasing) including Man City. Leeds Ipswich.
I get that. but he owned the club as well. In our case, the owners are the council re the stadium and surrounding facilities. They do not have a private owner. It wouldn't benefit anyone. Prepared to light the match.
Why? If someone knew came in and picked an appropriate area and build etc the Council are left with a decent plot of land in a prime area and the perfect excuse as it wasn’t their fault. I know there is the fabled covenant but they can be changed and if not is only a small section of the land owned.