Pretty sure we had a full week where it was ice cold 24/7, which will have put up heating bills all over.
Global temperatures, we're all in it together, remember? Worth stating that January temperatures were 1.75 degrees above pre industrial levels. And we shouldn't be experiencing such increases given the termination of the cyclical el nino effect. We should be hugely worried, all the more given the oil speculators are pushing hard to undo climate agreements and hugely increase oil and gas production.
If "Global Warming" stops the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic, our winters are likely to become much colder - Barnsley is on the same lattitude as Edmonton.
On Monday, we beat a San Francisco downtown rain record from 1887. It's been cold, rainy and miserable all week. Another Atmospheric River, which seems to be a phrase created only recently.
They are talking about the average planetary temperature mate. For every below average cold day here there have been well above average warm days elsewhere.
Can I ask those who've commented it's been on the chilly side I the UK... Are you worried by climate change? Do you think it adversely effects people in the UK? I'm genuinely interested, and I'm mindful it could just be a quippy response.
I am extremely worried about climate change and we're basically doing nothing about it and that has only got worse with Trump 2.0. We are now sitting at 1.5C above pre industrial times and this change is absolutely man made. It doesn't sound a lot but you go to Switzerland and look at the glaciers that have melted over the last 50 years. All the weird weather events over the last few years is down to the extra energy in the atmosphere causing more energetic storms etc. As an example of global warming, compare the Earth to Venus. The two planets are similar size and in the "comfortable" zone with regard to heat from the sun. Earth's surface temperature is about 20C whereas that of Venus is 464C, here the carbon dioxide level is 0.04%, on Venus it is 96%. Without that blanket of CO2, Venus might be inhabitable. CO2 in the atmosphere has doubled in the last 200 years. There have been many tipping points identified, the most important for the UK being the North Atlantic Circulation (Gulf Stream) which keeps our country temperate, it may be disrupted by the melting icecap causing cold fresh (non salty) water to sink to the ocean floor. Our climate might then be much more extreme with hotter summers and much colder winters.
Sorry to sound like a miserable pessimistic git but governments of the world simply aren't concerned enough to do what's needed. Too much short-term self interest economically and politically. Trump is possibly the worst but you only have to look at our own Labour Government... The planet is knackered.. and don't get me started on the dangers for humanity of AI.
I think there's an incredible amount of hubris and inertia when it comes to climate change. The general view seems to be that western capitalism is unimpeachably correct and we'll be fine. I'm not an expert and I can't say with any confidence whether we're definitley ****** yet, but I think that even if we're not past the point of no return we're sleepwalking to that point. I have a young child and I'm genuinely scared as to what the world will look like in 40 years.