What about if we draw and new striker as a stinker? or what about if we draw and new striker scores or what about if we lose 4-3 and new striker gets a hat trick…
I personally hope he has an absolute barnstormer and we win convincingly having played attractive, quick-paced football. That's because I love BFC. I just happen to think that the current ownership is inept.
3-1 win with Humphrys, Phillips and Rodrigues on the scoresheet. Ever the eternal optimist. In reality I’ve actually gone for 1-1.
You're overthinking it What if we win, draw or lose and neither go into meltdown nor declare all our troubles to be behind us? How would that look?
I've never tried humble pie...everyone talks about it so I thought I'd give it a go, but after two hours in Tesco and Asda I couldn't find any at all, had to settle for steak and kidney again.
I’ve had my whinge and got everything off my chest. I need to look past things now and just get behind em. Unfortunately there are people who will be silently hoping we lose, in order to continue their tirade against the Club, which I find pretty grim.
Yeah, even some of those expecting us to lose will still go into a strop/outrage. I don’t think we’ll win today, but could sneak a draw. However, if we lose I won’t go into meltdown, not even if we get hammered.
Won’t get anything from today. Too much disarray and will rub onto players. Plus we’re playing a very good side.
As long as we play well and put the effort in then no qualms from me if we get battered. I think we may surprise them today, but ever the optimist