We are tactically so poor. No matter what the shape. From minute one in Wycombe game they were pinging long balls over the defence and they got so much joy from it, did nothing to change it. Changed shape here today, but again same set up where he wants back 4 high, and stockport have looked to exploit that same thing all game and surprise surprise we've conceded from it again. Ball retention yet again is abysmal, what do they work on in week on training pitch?
We're abysmal from front to back, nothing on the bench to change anything, and I include the manager and tactics. Board out, followed by Clarke, followed in the Summer by 80% of this "squad".
Except Mladen is still coming with the promotion line. He's setting up DC for an early bath and hope this will deflect attention from his own part in this.
Don't know who's to blame the board, Clarke, the players all of the above.. getting hard to watch now.
Rodrigues, by the way, looks every inch a "striker" who's scored 7 career goals in the French farmers league.
All of them, mainly the board though. Clarke has no idea how to set a team up, many of the players are disgustingly bad, but it all stems from the board bringing them all in and showing the lack of ambition that we've been used to since time immemorial.
JHC! This is awful, but the slating of the new lad when he's played half of a game with no service, really sums up some of the people on here.
Half-time stats - total shots 0. Who could have predicted that following our strengthening of the attacking unit in the transfer window?
I look forward to the upbeat, good-humoured atmosphere at Oakwell next weekend when we go behind against Duff's lot.