Proper laughing -I can’t do anything else. We buy a new striker and 45 minutes in it’s determined a left back up front is a better option
I played left back at sunday league and I once told my manager to stick me up top to see how I'd do. It never happened again because it was a farce, it was a farce at sunday league level so at league one level the levels go beyond comprehension.
Jumping in - I think he's doing an average job with average players. So par for the course. We could do better but it'd take a manager doing an unreal job which can't be the expectation.
The reaction from the Barnsley players to the award of a softish penalty tells you all you need to know about the underlying mood at Oakwell complete apparthy
I absolutely cba arguing the toss with you mate, to be totally honest. You've got your view, I've got mine. Neither are gonna change.
He can hope that all he wants but people have him sussed. He along with the entire board need to go go