crap ground, remember sitting on one of those bolted to the old terrace seats, could see absolutely naff all. Also, typical good refereeing.
Funniest I heard like this was a few seasons back, Man City fans on a bitterly cold night, “it’s f***ing freezing, I wanna go home” I hate “your support is F’ing sh***” but I do still have a soft spot for Ronnie Moore’s hat, probably because I was standing with the guys who invented it at Millmoor.
Just remembered one sung against us "I'd rather be in Barnsley than Barbados" by Man City fans at Oakwell (doing the conga in lashing down rain) in December 1996 in reference to their unpopular chairman who was spending Christmas in the Caribbean sun.
The match I refer to mate. We were stood on the side terrace split by a metal fence. Not sure what year it would be but early eighties . (They had to like most clubs, close standing areas and fit crap seating in place mid 90s) But the atmosphere we created, was up there among one of the best. Burnley was very similar till they put us behind the goals seated.
All i remember was being in the middle tier behind the net and no one was watching the game (about 3 nil down). It was all about the banter.
Probably the worst, in the sense of most disgraceful and horrific, chant I have heard comes from the dark days of "football hooliganism". I can't remember the whole thing, but the line that has stuck in my head, metaphorically speaking, runs as follows: "We only carry hatchets, to bury in your head".
Not a chant, but as far as banners go, that's class in the Liverpool end. "At least an empty cabinet is easy to move"