I don't have a problem with people doing as they please, but telling other people how they choose to support the team is not on really, its upto them.
I dont think I'm being negative mate - just seeing things as I think they are. I hope you enjoy yourself at all the games.
The beauty of football we all have opinions...and it's fine to be positive and negative to how u feel. At the moment I find barnsley depressing even though I will always support them. However we currently are in a right mess. The manager is just a puppet who has no influence over transfers which shows with the Rodriguez signing as clarke says he knows very little about him. I'm not a fan of director of footballs especially our current plonker. Barnsley will get no where near the playoffs as we can't stop conceding goals. Our goal difference proves that. I'm certainly not happy with how the club conned the fans with the hourihane signing...let's hope he's a good coach when clarke goes. I respect people who are positive However I'm not at the moment as our club is in decline and we certainly don't belong in the Championship. So I'm pi**ed off at the moment and not feeling positive
I think the asking the fans to be positive especially at home is offset sometimes with how lethergaic we are when approaching games we never seem to get at teams with any high energy just lots of letting teams get back into shape and the usual patterns of play. one of my biggest bug bears is when a keeper gets the ball and could get us straight on the attack but doesn’t and it allows the other team to get back into formation I really miss the old days of wingers trying to get to a bye line and whipping in balls now it’s all this possession based rubbish and sideways and backwards passing:
I don't think you're particularly wrong but I think we're looking at the wrong people to generate positivity. I've said it before but the club put people in a bad mood before a player kicks a ball by making the whole match day experience awful. That's something that only the club can address but the CEO has admitted it's something they've deliberately chosen to turn a blind eye to. Then you've got the players and management (and Mladen who is apparently in charge of strategy). At the last home game we kicked off and I was ready to support a good attacking team except for one slight problem. About 10 seconds into the game the ball was playing to O'Keeffe who instantly turned around and passed the ball all the way back to our centre back. How am I supposed to cheer that? It's complete negativity on the pitch which is influencing the fans emotions. The players are on money that most of us can only dream of. THAT is their motivation. If they demand that Dave in the ponty end cheers their name before they're willing to actually try then **** them off. In short. Yes a negative attitude from fans will affect the players but not nearly as ,u h as a negative attitude from the club AND the players affects the fans. And between me and Corey O'Keeffe there's a big difference. He's paid to put effort in, I'm not. Flagman is paid to generate an atmosphere, I'm not. The onus should be on the club here and criticising fans for reacting in a completely understandable way to the actions of the club is wrong imo. The focus should be on why the club have not only done absolutely nothing to improve the atmosphere at games but have actively taken steps to harm it
Have I missed summat. What's a season pass. If you mean season ticket. And If so, have you not already paid for the games. ?. Meaning they already have your money. Will you be buying a season pass next season. To get you away game. priority yet again paying the owners. ?
Using my pass this season for away games. Already bought it before I had a sulk on. Won’t be getting one next season at all.