What a c0ck! He’s not getting a penny more of my money and I hope others feel the same. https://www.thenational.scot/news/2...ches-shadow-doge-watchdog-take-uk-government/
Why? I’m not a fan of his, but his idea makes some sense. Government wastage is scandalous - not just at a local level, but also regionally and at Whitehall. And I think his idea is more a regional/national target than just local councils.
I'd have to start spending money on brewdog before I could stop! I stopped using wetherspoons because of their bosses political views and I no longer buy the chronicle for the same reason (the Farage outer sleeve during the Brexit debate). Local news? Cheap beer? Keep em!
Watt said "Labour inherited a mess – but Rt Hon Rachel Reeves has made it worse: Hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs. Growth has tanked. Inflation is spiking. Our entrepreneurs are leaving in droves.” Is he wrong?
Watt has also said... “Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster. It has given us so much more paper work and bureaocracy and cost hassle - we're not able to create as many jobs in the UK as we'd like as out cost base has gone up" Can't see why he's worried because he's also said "Brits don't work as hard as others do." Is he wrong? Sounds like a man who'd say and do anything for attention. Like his hero Musk.
Let's start with the obvious. "The UK Government will spend £1.276 trillion this year. If we save just 1%, we could fix our budget deficit." 1% of £1.276 trillion is £12.76 billion. The UK deficit in December alone was £17.8b. Then let's look at what DOGE is doing in America - the budget proposal includes cuts of $2.5t to Medicaid & SNAP benefits, but an overall budget increase of $4.5t, mainly to fund tax cuts. There's no fiscal responsibility, just trashing benefits to line the pockets of the rich. Any equivalent here would absolutely necessitate the scrapping of the triple lock, so maybe I should be agreeing with him. As for "hundreds of thousands are losing their jobs" unemployment is up 40,000 since July, "Growth has tanked" - it was announced today that the economy grew 0.1% in the three months to December, while poor you can't say she's made it worse as it has been stagnant for years, "inflation is spiking" - CPI went down to 2.5% in December and interest rates have been cut this week. Basically he's a gobshite making lazy claims for the hard of thinking. As statisTYKE said, he's attention seeking.
Yes he's a ******** what about all the money it will cost answering his thousands of information requests just so he can cherry pick a few contentious ones like Musk is to try and prove a point he like Musk and a majority of very rich people just don't like paying tax and believe if you can't afford something like medical care or the insurance to pay for it it's tough because they can. Mark my words if Musk and Trump get their way the USA will implode their supporters amongst the general public may cheer them on now with their Draconian cuts to government because they are publicising the controversial ones that their supporters don't like. But just wait while it starts to effect them and their families when they realise that Musk and Trump are hacking at everything not just the unpopular things.
A vile vile man who deserves bad things to happen to him. Sadly in this day and age vile people prosper and then they complain how hard done by they are. Oddly some of the downtrodden hero worship them. It’s a weird old world.
Nasty piece of work, who hid behind his pseudo-ethical PR, then bailed when his true colours were revealed. At least he’s now finally free to be his true self. Horrible man.
I'm sorry, but any attempt to curb the wasting and/or embezzlement and/or fraudulent use of public funds, whoever is running it, irrespective of your feelings towards the person, surely has to be a good thing?? It's alarming that a lot of people cannot separate the person from the policy. I've never heard of the guy personally, so I've no opinion on him either way. But what I think we all know is that the Government wastes money like no other entity. Get someone or something in there to find where the money is going/gone. You don't have to love the guy.
I’d recommend you look into the guy and his alleged practices. Vile narcissist of the highest order and another very rich person who doesn’t want to pay taxes. The agenda is to be noticed (as ever) and not to help.
No it doesn't. But let's say, hypothetically, that this "cap-end" created this DOGE thing, looked over Government spending, exposed the corruption (which obviously exists to some degree) and saves the taxpayer X amount of billions in wasted/stolen money. I don't care one jot if he's a cap end. There's loads of them about. If he can do what he says he wants to do then best of luck to him. He can still be a cap end afterwards.
Sorry are you talking about James Watt here or Elon Musk? The DOGE thing threw me. I was talking about James Watt. Elon Musk is a deranged psychopath, well on track to be the most dangerous person on the planet. Either way, it’s a shame you don’t care about the moral fibre of people in such influential roles. If more people cared, the world wouldn’t be as fkd as it is.
If that was the true intention then fine but it's not.The aim is to slash the state to the bone so the already very rich who can afford things like health care can pay little or no tax. Musk and Trump aren't just going after the waste and fraud or spending that their supporters don't like that's just the cuts they shout about their intention is to dismantle the federal Government of the USA.
He's a proper arsehole, and a liar. Not surprised in the slightest that he's trying to channel Musk, even though he's a poundshop version at best.
Normally yes, but where the fùck has he been for the last 15 years? Was government waste not a problem when it favoured the wealthy?
There's a certain irony when the talk is of using FOI as a tool to save money! Absolute drain on public funds it is.
Yes. He’s wrong on pretty much all counts. Hundreds of thousands haven’t lost their jobs since Labour took power - unemployment is up - but by nowhere near six figures. Growth hasn’t tanked. The economy grew in the last quarter. Inflation isn’t spiking. It’s levelling and reducing, to the point interest rates went down this quarter as well. The entrepreneurs leaving in droves part is open to debate - though I strongly suggest that the ‘entrepreneurs’ leaving are the bottom feeding grifters making money out of misery and avoiding all tax responsibility - and since they are being found out in this regard are going to peddle themselves elsewhere. Given they contribute little or nothing, the net result of this is little or nothing. Remember this is a man who stepped down as ceo of his own company due to repeated allegations of sexual harassment, inappropriate acts and unethical behaviour, a man who has made millions mostly from other people working for him - yet says Britain has little work orientation, is too obsessed with achieving a work life balance, and essentially people need to work harder. He made this assessment after stepping down from his day to day role and taking time off ‘to travel, and spend more time with family and friends’. He is a grifting pillock who is trying to re-establish relevance; his brewing tv show in America was cancelled after never really taking off; he’s now jumping on the far right bandwagon for popularity reasons. His current partner is that lass Toff who won I’m a celeb a few years ago - she’s in full agreement about his observations about work ethic as she’s always been a very hard worker… the same Georgia Toffolo who has made a living from various reality tv shows since the age of nineteen; who makes a big deal of the fact her dad is a ‘scrap metal dealer’ (pushing the boundaries of truth but let’s run with that), but conveniently forgets how minted her mum’s side of the family are. She’s a multimillionaire and has had a proper ‘job’ for about six months in her life. So she is of course well qualified to judge how hard the general population work. Watt wants to hold a Labour government to account as it is in his best interests to get a right wing, tax avoidance encouraging, working-class killing government back in. And we’ve hardly got a socialist one in power now. He’s an arsehole.