Does anybody know how I go about resigning my membership of the human race? Is there a website or summat I can go to?
WOW, just WOW !! Maybe we should have a whip round and get him a one way ticket to Russia so he can live the dream
Sounds like you've got a case of Swim - the unnerving feeling that you're thousands of light years from where you belong, surrounded by lunatic aliens, and all you want to do is go home, but you don't even know where that is. I wake up with it every morning. I just take something intoxicating and go back to bed.
It's just another pillock who's heard someone in the media use a word and now repeats it to point score because they think it sounds clever, despite having no idea what it actually means. See also: Marxist/Marxism, socialist/socialism, woke, liberal, left-wing, anti-semite For balance, it annoys me greatly whenever anyone with the slightest right leaning opinion is immediately labelled a Nazi/fascist.
Type of bloke that says we have no free speech whilst speaking freely on national radio about the country’s leader.