I’m yet to understand what they hope to achieve by this. The danger is that the owners who are presently using their own money to keep our club afloat, think that it’s a waste of time given the hostility, and refuse ti put another penny in. Then what? Fans are entitled to air their views and to expect some accountability - but this really is not the way.
You already ARE a key person in a key role. You know what you're doing there, in your seat before kick off You're a supporter. Who supports. That's what the lads on the pitch need We don't all agree with everything that goes on at any club but to try and disrupt a game in this manner is far short of any version of "support"
So I witnessed the walking into game 8 minutes late. But where was the 82 minutes of noise that was promised by the protesters? Did they fail to deliver like Mladen did in the transfer window?
"They don't care about football, They don't care about fans, Barnsley FC is in the wrong hands, F-off Neerav"