I'll mention this again... But how fuc*ing UNFIT are we?! I've never seen a side so slow and cumbersome. Pines, Earl, Russell, Benson, Nwakali, Humphreys and even Dyer who'd only been on 2 minutes bumbling around the pitch at a snails pace. Forget the quality, forget the tactics and lack thereof, if you can't even run for 90+ mins as a professional footballer then there's something very, very wrong.
Clarke has already lost as many as Collins did last year. We've got 15 games left to play........ He's pants
Time for change. This directionless passionless football replicates the worst aspects of Collinsball and just as. Collins with attritional football all you have is results so when they stop there’s nothing left.
He was absolutely frantic on the sidelines like a desperate headless chicken at one point when the ball boy didn’t get the ball, I think he knows the gigs up now, there has been no improvement anywhere only slow regression all season,
Their first goal was unforgivable' we commit all our defenders forward for a free kick then okeefe tries to be a smart arse and ends up with an assist for Huddersfield' absolutely pathetic and naive' he's been awful all game and apart from the goal Russell is back to his old slow cumbersome self' shocking.
H Hes ***** I honestly think he thinks he plays for the other side the amount of just daft passes he plays straight to the opposition. Once again it’s no surprise that a team he was a massive part of got relegated.
Rose tinted glasses in the home end I was screaming foul. When I watched the replay Humphrys clearly ran into the defender. Correct decision. Poor defending for both goals stop blaming the ref.