Home forms been fc*king dogsh¡te for a season and 'aif so there's no wonder it's rubbish as it reflects whats being served up on the pitch. ........sithi.
Understand that aye. And it’s a two way thing int it, chant and support first or get geared up by what’s on pitch? Bit like chicken and egg. But for me some of best days I’ve had wa chanting all 90 when we were losing, still having fun essentially
Do you honestly believe the atmosphere at Oakwell has only been rubbish for the past 18/24 months? it's been years & years & years since we've had a consistent decent atmosphere. I get the football has been poor past couple of seasons, but even before that, a misplaced pass, a backward pass, sideways pass, overhit pass, within seconds, fans are moaning & groaning. Our players are spineless it's true, weak mentality, but at times I can understand why they dont show for ball or want to get rid off it straight away. It's why I appreciate players like Mael a little more because at least he's trying to make stuff happen.
Home forms been honking for all but one season since we finished second under Stendel and that was under Duff and for the most part the atmosphere was decent or better for most games ( I'm not counting Val's season as crowds weren't allowed due to kung flu). I'm also well aware we have a minority of miserable b@st@rds that follow this club but i don't reckon we are any worse than other club in this regard.........sithi.