The flesh. I'm going 2018/19 under Stendel. Haven't felt as good since. Laura was pregnant with George and stars just seemed to align for me anyway.
Danny’s promotion season. My son was born in 96 as well. I was still playing football on a Sunday, and I think we won our league that season. One of my team mates was a Wolves fan, so a bit of banter was had.
80-81 for me. Our return to the Second Division after a 22 year absence, playing superb football, with stars , such as Glavin, Banks etc.
81/82 team and that Liverpool night and beating Man City at home previously arguably our finest assembled team under Hunter. and 96/97 under Wilson. Some foreign unknowns thrown together with some experienced pros to form something that just gelled as one. can I have both please?
Horn Joyce Chambers Glavin Banks Mccarthy Evans Parker Aylott Mchale Barrowclough vs Watson Eadon Thompson Davis De Zeeuw Appleby Redfearn Sheridan Marcelle Wilkinson Hendrie Ahh memories
Since I don't really remember the promotion to Premier league season, it probably would also be Stendals, although I do think its pipped by Johnson and Hecky, purely because I dont think we will experience a ride like that again. Second half of that season was magical, even when we went behind I just knew for a fact we'd win. I knew we would get promoted. Such a beautiful feeling whats hard to describe
78/79 to 81/82 was a fantastic time to watch the Reds. The last season, 81/82, stands out for me. The League Cup run and 4-2 at Millmoor being especially memorable.
96/97 Followed closely by ‘from rock bottom under Heckingbottom’ which was an unbelievable (half) season. I’ve never been so confident going into games. season under Val was also incredible just a shame I only attended one game in the flesh.
96/97 was my first season, and the atmosphere was really special - Oakwell felt like a fortress, but also a party every game. Nothing really compares since. 99/00 under Bassett was also pretty good. Since then I think the closest we’ve come was under Stendel.
The period from 1979 to 1982 has to be my pick. Fortunate to see the best midfielder we ever had, King Ronnie. Fortunate to see the best centre half we ever had, Macca
Similar with me. Our daughter was born in August 96 just after the season kicked off. The next 9 months just topped off a fantastic time. Then our son was born in July 99 and a we came so close to another top flight promotion in the following months. The period 78 to 82 is still my favourite though. That team was definitely the best I’ve seen and ever will. To go from mid table fourth division to within touching distance of the top flight in four years playing superb football was unbelievable. Gates went from as low as 2k to an average over 15k. What a time to be a Red. Edit…also have to mention the double Wembley triumph in 2016 from nowhere in December. That was pretty special too.
96/7 by an absolute mile. Though in a way, 97/8 was special in a different way. We were the talk of football. We did something that wasn't expected, with no money and then were expected to be a laughing stock on a season long comedy tour. At times, it wasn't far off. But by the end, we'd bloodied a lot of noses and despite truly scandalous decisions that cost us huge amounts of points that would have seen us stay up, we held our heads high and gained respect throughout football... However short lived it may now feel.
I was a bit too young to appreciate 96/97 & 97/98 so although they were brilliant I’m envious of all the fans that were old enough to be in the pubs & doing the away games. 2016 was amazing. Just that whole calendar year really. We turned into the best side in league one & then into one of the best teams in the championship. Two wins at Wembley with an owner & manager from the town & a centre back from the town starting every week. In hindsight it was only a short period of time but it was brilliant. I managed to do plenty of away games during that period & it was pre-kids so had the time & money to enjoy it.
Hard to decide between 81/82 and 96/97 but I think I'd have to plump for 81/82 purely for the buzz of seeing Glavin.