My brother-in-law has been doing a bit of family tree stuff and found this from the Chron in 1908. My great-grandad is named in this rogue's gallery of potty-mouthed scoundrels....
I don't know what John Green Clarke Pickering, the butcher from Silkstone said, but his sheep should be behind baaaaas
Judge. "Nar then John am charging thi wi farl n abusive language to thi Bay lambs." John "The ******* baaa-stards wunt gerrin slaughter house. Dint help when that fekker int bood covered coyt wo runnin rarned wi a machete in is and" Judge "Am finin thi Isaac fo evin to get fire brigade art to quell fire in thi chimni." Isaac "Fo ***** sake Judge it'd have cost mi less forrem to let t'ouse burn darn. The ******** flooded t'ouse an am onli insured fire n theft."
Noted the name Shillito there. I remember a lad in our academy with that surname, always assumed it was far Eastern in origin - apparently not!